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The articulation of the security and religious dimension in the foreign policy of Morocco in Sub-Saharan Africa : Double-faced religious branding

[ L’articulation de la dimension sécuritaire et religieuse dans la politique étrangère du Maroc en Afrique subsaharienne : Branding religieux à double face ]

Volume 25, Issue 3, February 2019, Pages 890–899

 The articulation of the security and religious dimension in the foreign policy of Morocco in Sub-Saharan Africa : Double-faced religious branding

Ahmed IRAQI1

1 Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales, Tanger, Maroc

Original language: French

Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In Morocco, the religious field and the political sphere are structurally interwoven, thus, the first serves as cement for the action of the second. In this way, Moroccan political diplomacy in sub-Saharan Africa cannot be dissociated from the religious dimension in view of the historical narrowness of the spiritual links between the kingdom and this part of Africa. The Moroccan state has thus built its continental stature and in particular its African foreign policy by relying on two tracks in order to reinvigorate its diplomacy, the first relies on tolerance and religious openness in order to reinforce its image as open to pluralistic dialogue. And the second revolves around the fight against terrorism, in a global context threatened more than ever by security threats.

Author Keywords: Diplomacy, Morocco, Islam, Tolerance, Security, Terrorism, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Abstract: (french)

Au Maroc, le champ religieux et la sphère politique sont structurellement imbriqués, ainsi, le premier sert de ciment à l’action du second. Par-là, la Diplomatie politique marocaine en Afrique subsaharienne ne peut être dissociée de la dimension religieuse eue égard à l’étroitesse historique des liens spirituels entre le royaume et cette partie de l’Afrique. L’État marocain a ainsi construit sa stature continentale et notamment sa politique étrangère africaine en s’appuyant sur deux pistes en vue de redynamiser sa diplomatie, la première repose sur la tolérance et l’ouverture religieuse dans le but de renforcer son image en tant que pays ouvert au dialogue pluraliste. Et la deuxième s’articule autour de la lutte antiterroriste, dans un contexte mondial menacé plus que jamais par les menaces sécuritaires.

Author Keywords: Diplomatie, Maroc, Islam, Tolérance, Sécurité, Terrorisme, Afrique subsaharienne.

How to Cite this Article

Ahmed IRAQI, “The articulation of the security and religious dimension in the foreign policy of Morocco in Sub-Saharan Africa : Double-faced religious branding,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 890–899, February 2019.