International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Community management of conflict and peace promotion: knowledge, attitudes and practice of Masisi territory population in North-Kivu Province

[ Gestion communautaire des conflits et promotion de la paix: Connaissances, attitudes, pratiques de populations du Territoire de Masisi en Province du Nord Kivu ]

Volume 17, Issue 4, September 2016, Pages 1198–1208

 Community management of conflict and peace promotion: knowledge, attitudes and practice of Masisi territory population in North-Kivu Province

Muhumu Mututa Patrick1 and Mulongo Mbarambara Philémon2

1 Department of Heath Management, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Kanyamulande, South-Kivu, RD Congo
2 Department of Midewives, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Bukavu, South-Kivu, RD Congo

Original language: French

Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Introduction: Since more than two decades, the territory of Masisi in North-Kivu province is dived in a crisis whose contours are far to be known. The objective of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population of Kamuronza grouping concerning management of conflicts and peace promotion in view to contribute to the funding of the peace in North Kivu province. Methods: In November 2015, a descriptive study has been conducted close to 448 people inhabitants the seven localities of Kamuronza grouping nearby from a questionnaire and focus groups. Results: Of land conflicts, identity, socio-economic, bound to rapes and sexual violence and based on the gender and those related to the abuse of the power and the exploitation and the natural resource depredation have been identified. Knowledge of the population of the grouping of Kamuronza concerning management of conflicts and peace promotion were insufficient. A negative attitude persistence within the population has been observed as well as a good practice insufficiency concerning management of conflicts and peace promotion. Conclusion: The population directly concerned by these conflicts is to place to the center of the solution research while privileging the backing of his community capacities concerning management of conflicts and peace promotion and the social dialogue that will permit him to understand reasons of conflict and their dynamics better, and, will give him means to formulate some concerted actions in favor of the peace.

Author Keywords: peace promotion, conflict, Masisi, KAP.

Abstract: (french)

Introduction: Depuis plus de deux décennies, le territoire de Masisi au Nord-Kivu est plongé dans une crise dont les contours sont loin d’être connus. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques de la population du groupement Kamuronza en matière de gestion des conflits et de promotion de la paix en vue de contribuer à la consolidation de la paix en province du Nord Kivu. Méthodes: En novembre 2015, une étude descriptive a été menée auprès 448 personnes habitants les sept localités du groupement Kamuronza à partir d’un questionnaire d’enquête et de focus groupes Résultats: Des conflits fonciers, identitaires, socioéconomiques, liés aux viols et violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre et ceux liés à l’abus du pouvoir et à l’exploitation et au pillage des ressources naturelles ont été identifiés. Les connaissances de la population du groupement de Kamuronza en matière de gestion des conflits et promotion de la paix étaient insuffisantes. Une persistance des attitudes négatives au sein de la population a été observée ainsi qu’une insuffisance de bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion des conflits et promotion de la paix. Conclusion: La population directement concernée par ces conflits est à placer au centre de la recherche de solutions en privilégiant le renforcement de ses capacités communautaires en matière de gestion des conflits et promotion de la paix et le dialogue social qui lui permettra de mieux comprendre les causes de conflit et leurs dynamiques, et, lui donnera les moyens de formuler des actions concertées en faveur de la paix.

Author Keywords: promotion de la paix, conflit, Masisi, CAP.

How to Cite this Article

Muhumu Mututa Patrick and Mulongo Mbarambara Philémon, “Community management of conflict and peace promotion: knowledge, attitudes and practice of Masisi territory population in North-Kivu Province,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1198–1208, September 2016.