[ العناصر المعمارية في قلعة الحصن بحمص - سوريا (دراسة تحليلية) ]
Volume 18, Issue 1, October 2016, Pages 107–130

Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish1
1 Professor of Islamic Archaeology, Faculty of Arts - Minia University, Egypt
Original language: Arabic
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Castle established in (1031) and occupied by the Crusaders (1099), and renewed by Mamluk Sultans Baybars (1171) and Kalawoon (1285). Castle retains many of the architectural elements dating to the Seljuks, the Crusaders and Mamluks. Seljuk buildings consisting of the eastern entrance of the inner fortress and the emergence of the church, which was a tower, the tower in the north-west along fences between them, the fence south of the entrance until the south east tower. Castle planning has consisted of two fences by six towers and composed the outer wall of the entrance, which consists of two square towers and the corridor between them, entrance leads to cruciform planning Dorqa'a on its sides two corridors around the inner fence, the interface extending on both sides of the entrance to the north and south where it ends in the north tower represents the emergence of the Church is currently in the south was offset by another tower in the position of the south tower current-east, there were four towers in the north western and south western corners and mid of the western and southern fence. Crusaders have started to expand and develop the castle; they added the outer fence and some towers. They built the church and ring the external fence and a sloping wall in the south, trench behind the southern fa
Author Keywords: Krak des Chevaliers, Homs, Fort of foot, Kurds fortress, Mamluk fortifications, Crusader castles.
Volume 18, Issue 1, October 2016, Pages 107–130

Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish1
1 Professor of Islamic Archaeology, Faculty of Arts - Minia University, Egypt
Original language: Arabic
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Castle established in (1031) and occupied by the Crusaders (1099), and renewed by Mamluk Sultans Baybars (1171) and Kalawoon (1285). Castle retains many of the architectural elements dating to the Seljuks, the Crusaders and Mamluks. Seljuk buildings consisting of the eastern entrance of the inner fortress and the emergence of the church, which was a tower, the tower in the north-west along fences between them, the fence south of the entrance until the south east tower. Castle planning has consisted of two fences by six towers and composed the outer wall of the entrance, which consists of two square towers and the corridor between them, entrance leads to cruciform planning Dorqa'a on its sides two corridors around the inner fence, the interface extending on both sides of the entrance to the north and south where it ends in the north tower represents the emergence of the Church is currently in the south was offset by another tower in the position of the south tower current-east, there were four towers in the north western and south western corners and mid of the western and southern fence. Crusaders have started to expand and develop the castle; they added the outer fence and some towers. They built the church and ring the external fence and a sloping wall in the south, trench behind the southern fa
Author Keywords: Krak des Chevaliers, Homs, Fort of foot, Kurds fortress, Mamluk fortifications, Crusader castles.
Abstract: (arabic)
أنشئت القلعة عام (1031م)، واحتلها الصليبيون (1099م), وعمرها الظاهر بيبرس (1171م) والسلطان قلاوون (1285م). وتحتفظ بالعديد من العناصر المعمارية السلجوقية والصليبية والمملوكية، حيث تضم التحصينات السلجوقية المباني الواقعة بين المدخل الشرقي للحصن الداخلي وبروز الكنيسة الذي كان يمثل برجا والبرج الواقع في الشمال الغربي إلى جانب الأسوار بينها وكذلك قسم من السور جنوبي المدخل حتى البرج الجنوبي الشرقي، وكان التخطيط من حصن ذي سورين عليه ستة أبراج ويتكون السور الخارجي من المدخل المكون من برجين مربعين بينهما ردهة، ويؤدي المدخل إلى دور قاعة متعامدة على جانبيها ممران، وتمتد الواجهة على جانبي المدخل حيث تنتهي في الشمال ببرج يمثل بروز الكنيسة كان يقابله في الجنوب برج آخر في موضع البرج الجنوبي الشرقي، وكان يوجد أربعة أبراج في الزاويتين الشمالية الغربية والجنوبية الغربية ومنتصف السورين الغربي والجنوبي. بدأ الصليبيون في توسيع القلعة، فأضافوا السور الخارجي وبعض الأبراج، والكنيسة وحلقة الدفاع الخارجية والجدار المنحدر في الجنوب والخندق خلف الواجهة الجنوبية، وبرج القائد بالطابق العلوي من البرج الجنوبي الغربي وقاعة الفرسان والرواق الذي يتقدمها والبرج الدفاعي عند المدخل الشمالي. وقام الظاهر بيبرس بتشييد: برجين على الجانب الجنوبي، والساتر الحجري للأسوار الغربية والجنوبية والأبراج الدائرية والسور الثاني للحصن الداخلي، والقسم الشرقي منه ويضم الاسطبل وقاعة الحراسة والممر الواصل إليها، والقاعة الواقعة شرقي مدخل الحصن الداخلي وترميم وبناء الأسوار الخارجية والأبراج النصف دائرية والمدخل الرئيسي، وقام السلطان قلاوون بتشييد البرج المستطيل بالواجهة الجنوبية للسور الخارجي.
Author Keywords: قلعة الحصن، حمص، حصن السفح، حصن الأكراد، التحصينات المملوكية، القلاع الصليبية.
How to Cite this Article
Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish, “Architectural elements in Krak des Chevaliers in Homs - Syria (Analytical study),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 107–130, October 2016.