International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The mapping of the vulnerability in the contamination of surface water of the watershed Martil’s river dam

[ La cartographie de la vulnérabilité à la contamination des eaux de surface du bassin versant du Barrage de l’Oued Martil ]

Volume 23, Issue 4, July 2018, Pages 598–605

 The mapping of the vulnerability in the contamination of surface water of the watershed Martil’s river dam

Layla Herhar1, Jamal Stitou El Messari2, and Mohamed Draoui3

1 Department of Geology, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan, Morocco
2 Department of Geology, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan, Morocco
3 Département des sciences de la matière et de la vie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université Abdel Malek Essaâdi, Tétouan, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This work present a document allowing a good management territorial of the watershed of Martil river situated in the Wilaya of Tétouan, (North of Morocco) to preserve the good quality of the water of the dam. Such document is developed by applying the DKPR method to map the degree of vulnerability in the contamination surface water by means of a software GIS. The obtained map shows the dominance of the high and moderate classes. The first one covers the central part of the of the studied area on approximately 50 % of the total surface, while the moderate class disparate on all the watershed while being more concentrated towards the Southwest and the East, concern almost 42 % of the studied area. Let us indicate that the extreme East of the watershed nearly 8 % of the total surface is weakly protected against the contamination of its superficial water resources.

Author Keywords: DKPR method, GIS, Management territorial, Quality of the water, Degree of vulnerability.

Abstract: (french)

Ce travail vise à présenter un document permettant une bonne gestion territorial du bassin versant du barrage de l’Oued Martil situé à la Wilaya de Tétouan, au nord du Maroc afin de conserver la bonne qualité de l’eau du barrage. Un tel document est élaboré en appliquant la méthode DKPR pour cartographier le degré de vulnérabilité à la contamination des eaux de surface en se servant d’un logiciel SIG. La carte obtenue montre la dominance des classes élevée et modérée. La première recouvre la partie centrale de la zone d’étude sur environ 50% de la surface totale, alors que la classe modérée, disparate sur tout le bassin versant tout en étant plus concentrée vers le Sud-ouest et l’Est, concerne presque 42% de la zone d’étude. Signalons que l’extrême Est du bassin versant sur un peu près de 8% de la surface totale est faiblement protégé contre la contamination de ses ressources hydriques superficielles.

Author Keywords: Méthode DKPR, SIG, Gestion territorial, Qualité de l’eau, Degré de vulnérabilité.

How to Cite this Article

Layla Herhar, Jamal Stitou El Messari, and Mohamed Draoui, “The mapping of the vulnerability in the contamination of surface water of the watershed Martil’s river dam,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 598–605, July 2018.