[ Agadir : Sur les traces d’un tourisme lointain ]
Volume 25, Issue 2, January 2019, Pages 666–669
Amina Samat1
1 Institut Universitaire de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present contribution aims to question the past to highlight that the tourist success of the seaside resort of Agadir has roots anchored in the past that only History can decipher. It is certain that Agadir was well attended by Westerners. The travelers and the travel relationships who have praised them are not lacking. Some even predicted its future importance, it is as an example of Germain Mouette, or Henri Dugard who predicts that it will attract tourists later. Through the writings and impressions of travelers who have traveled this region, we will try to reconstruct this past while insisting on the opinions of those who predicted the future growth of Agadir and this even before the advent of tourism. mass. The political decision to close the port to trade affected this coastal city, a state that lasted until it reopened. This changed the situation and allowed the influx of capital and also Westerners. It should be noted that during the protectorate, Agadir was developed as a tourist city. After independence the same tourist policy that favors this seaside resort, was continued.
Author Keywords: Agadir, travelers, tourism, Morocco, History.
Volume 25, Issue 2, January 2019, Pages 666–669
Amina Samat1
1 Institut Universitaire de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present contribution aims to question the past to highlight that the tourist success of the seaside resort of Agadir has roots anchored in the past that only History can decipher. It is certain that Agadir was well attended by Westerners. The travelers and the travel relationships who have praised them are not lacking. Some even predicted its future importance, it is as an example of Germain Mouette, or Henri Dugard who predicts that it will attract tourists later. Through the writings and impressions of travelers who have traveled this region, we will try to reconstruct this past while insisting on the opinions of those who predicted the future growth of Agadir and this even before the advent of tourism. mass. The political decision to close the port to trade affected this coastal city, a state that lasted until it reopened. This changed the situation and allowed the influx of capital and also Westerners. It should be noted that during the protectorate, Agadir was developed as a tourist city. After independence the same tourist policy that favors this seaside resort, was continued.
Author Keywords: Agadir, travelers, tourism, Morocco, History.
Abstract: (french)
La présente contribution a pour objectif de questionner le passé pour mettre en évidence que la réussite touristique de la station balnéaire d’Agadir a des racines bien ancré dans le passé que seule l’Histoire peut déchiffrer. Il est certain qu’Agadir était bien fréquenté par les occidentaux. Les voyageurs et les relations de voyages qui y ont fait éloge ne manquent pas. Certains même ont prédits son importance future, il s’agit comme exemple de Germain Mouette, ou Henri Dugard qui prévoit qu’elle attirera des touristes plus tard. A travers les écrits et les impressions des voyageurs qui ont parcouru ce contré, on va essayer de reconstruire ce passé tout en insistant sur les avis de ceux qui ont prédit l’essor futur d’Agadir et ceci avant même l’avènement du tourisme de masse. La décision politique de fermer le port au commerce a affecté cette ville côtière, un état qui a perduré jusqu'à son réouverture. Ceci a changé la donne et a permis l’afflux des capitaux et aussi des occidentaux. Il faut souligner que durant le protectorat, Agadir a été aménagé en tant que ville touristique. Après l’indépendance la même politique touristique qui privilégie cette station balnéaire, fut poursuivie.
Author Keywords: Agadir, voyageurs, tourisme, Maroc, Histoire.
How to Cite this Article
Amina Samat, “Agadir : In the footsteps of distant tourism,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 666–669, January 2019.