[ La politique de distribution des moustiquaires : Attitudes et pratiques de la femme en République Démocratique du Congo ]
Volume 25, Issue 2, January 2019, Pages 792–799

1 Institut Supérieur de Statistique de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The malaria is one among the major problems of public health in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We can notice today that even though the progress observed in the struggle against this curse and the important means placed at disposal by the international community, some big gaps exist as for the results of land between regions through the world, the countries and even of the meaningful differences inside a same country. The national strategic plans 2016-2020 of the RDC plan a stratification of the malaria for a differentiation of interventions according to the strata. Our study is the descriptive and analytic type survey has the object to show the difference of behavior in the use of the MILD in the sanitary districts covered by the PARSS/RDC project. to achieve this survey, we used the data collected by the PARSS project. Among the individuals interviewed at the time of this investigation, we kept the women old 15-49 years of the health areas sampled for the investigation. The results show that among the factors of stratifications that discriminate the sanitary districts better, one can mention the natural gates making difficult the geographical accessibility in some zones; the lack of adequate infrastructures for the circulation of goods and people. For achieving the struggle better against the malaria in a vast country as in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) , with a diversity of biodiversity and culture, a stratification of the needs and the policies of approach can drive to the results.
Author Keywords: Malaria, impregnated mosquito net, Stratification, sanitary District, use, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Volume 25, Issue 2, January 2019, Pages 792–799

1 Institut Supérieur de Statistique de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The malaria is one among the major problems of public health in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We can notice today that even though the progress observed in the struggle against this curse and the important means placed at disposal by the international community, some big gaps exist as for the results of land between regions through the world, the countries and even of the meaningful differences inside a same country. The national strategic plans 2016-2020 of the RDC plan a stratification of the malaria for a differentiation of interventions according to the strata. Our study is the descriptive and analytic type survey has the object to show the difference of behavior in the use of the MILD in the sanitary districts covered by the PARSS/RDC project. to achieve this survey, we used the data collected by the PARSS project. Among the individuals interviewed at the time of this investigation, we kept the women old 15-49 years of the health areas sampled for the investigation. The results show that among the factors of stratifications that discriminate the sanitary districts better, one can mention the natural gates making difficult the geographical accessibility in some zones; the lack of adequate infrastructures for the circulation of goods and people. For achieving the struggle better against the malaria in a vast country as in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) , with a diversity of biodiversity and culture, a stratification of the needs and the policies of approach can drive to the results.
Author Keywords: Malaria, impregnated mosquito net, Stratification, sanitary District, use, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Abstract: (french)
Le paludisme est l’un parmi les problèmes majeurs de santé publique en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). On peut aujourd’hui constater que malgré le progrès observé dans la lutte contre ce fléau et les moyens importants mis à disposition par la communauté internationale, il existe des grands écarts quant aux résultats de terrain entre des régions à travers le monde, les pays et même des différences significatives à l’intérieur d’un même pays. Le plan stratégique national 2016-2020 de la RDC prévoit une stratification du paludisme pour une différentiation des interventions selon les strates. Notre étude de type descriptive et analytique a pour objet de montrer la différence de comportement dans l’utilisation des MILD dans les districts sanitaires couverts par le projet PARSS/RDC. Pour réaliser cette étude, nous nous sommes servis des données collectées par le projet PARSS. Parmi les individus interviewés lors de cette enquête, nous avons retenu les femmes âgées de 15-49 ans. Les résultats montrent que parmi les facteurs de stratifications qui discriminent mieux les districts sanitaires, on peut citer les barrières naturelles rendant difficile l’accessibilité géographique à certaines zones; le manque d’infrastructures adéquate pour la circulation des biens et des personnes. Pour mieux réaliser la lutte contre le paludisme dans un pays aussi vaste que la RDC, avec une diversité de biodiversité et de culture, une stratification des besoins et des politiques d’approche peut conduire aux meilleurs résultats.
Author Keywords: Paludisme, Moustiquaire imprégnée, Stratification, District sanitaire, utilisation, République Démocratique du Congo.
How to Cite this Article
KALAM KAMB, “Distribution’s policy of mosquito nets : Attitudes and practices of women in Democratic Republic of Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 792–799, January 2019.