International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The impact of leachate on well water (city dump of Kenitra, Morocco)

Volume 8, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 705–716

 The impact of leachate on well water (city dump of Kenitra, Morocco)

Mina Elmarkhi1, Sanae Sadek2, Khadija Elkharrim3, Fatima Benel Harkati4, and Driss Belghyti5

1 Environment and Renewable Energy Laboratory, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
2 Environment and Renewable Energy Laboratory, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
3 Department of Biology, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Sciences, Environment and Renewable Energy Laboratory, Kenitra, BP 133, 14000, Morocco
4 Laboratoire d'Environnement et Energies Renouvelables, Université Ibn Tofaїl, Faculté des Sciences, BP. 133, code 14000, Kenitra, Morocco
5 Laboratoire Environnement et Energies Renouvelables, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, B.P: 133, 14000 Kénitra, Morocco

Original language: English

Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Our study is the follow up and spatial analysis of a number of physico-chemical parameters of water wells located at different distances from the city dump Kenitra. The absence of a source of drinking water in the region pushes the population to feed by groundwater sinks. The results show that the majority of the analysed parameters exceed drinking water standards for the discharge of three wells (P1, P2, P3) at said source of water, it is found that the pH (7.8) EC (3.3ms/cm), Ca+ Mg (7.6ms/cm), Ca2+ (186.4mg/L) Mg2 + (80.6 mg/l) , Na+ (43.7 mg/l), K+ (6.6 mg/l) NH4+ (2.7mg/l), Cl (94.5 mg/l), HCO3(287.7mg /l), CO3 (797.5 mg / l), SO4 (26.0 mg / l).
Far exceed the WHO drinking water standards and water standards and Moroccan waters twenty wells in the area Mnasra physicochemical results Ph (7.4) EC (0.8ms/cm), Ca Mg+(3.1ms/cm), Ca2+(106.8mg/l), Mg2+ (11.3 mg/l), Na+(68.5 mg / l), K+(7.4 mg/l) NH4+ (2 mg/l), Cl (94.5mg/l), HCO3(236.4 mg/l), CO3(95.8 mg/l), SO4(86.3 mg/l), Thus, the diagnosis revealed the presence of a very important pollution by leachate wells discharge is compared with the well Mnasra region. As well as the phenomenon of the increase of the water can be generated by processes of erosion, leaching and infiltration of land in the region (phosphate layers, marl and limestone intercalated) caused by the acidity due this pollution.

Author Keywords: Physical, chemical, water from underground wells, infiltration, leaching, pollution, discharge.

How to Cite this Article

Mina Elmarkhi, Sanae Sadek, Khadija Elkharrim, Fatima Benel Harkati, and Driss Belghyti, “The impact of leachate on well water (city dump of Kenitra, Morocco),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 705–716, September 2014.