International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Identification of the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the bipolar space of the municipalities of Annaba and El Bouni (Algerian North-East) by the relationship between landforms and land use

[ Identification du phénomène de l’étalement urbain dans l’espace bipolaire des communes d’Annaba et d’El Bouni (Nord-Est Algérien) à travers le rapport entre les reliefs et l’occupation des sols ]

Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 860–868

 Identification of the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the bipolar space of the municipalities of Annaba and El Bouni (Algerian North-East) by the relationship between landforms and land use

Rabah ZENNIR1, Saif Eddine DERRADJI2, Djamel Eddine GUESSOUM3, Abderraziq Djakjak4, and Abdelmalek LEKOUI5

1 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
2 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
3 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
4 Management of Urban Techniques Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Larbi Ben M'hidi, Oum Bouaghi University, Management of Urban Techniques Institute, Oum Bouaghi, Algeria
5 Earth sciences and univers department, LGG laboratory, Jijel University, Jijel, Algeria

Original language: French

Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The contemporary city in the Mediterranean countries is undergoing a major transformation and is entering a new phase of urbanization that sees the evolution of ways of thinking and acting, making significant changes in its design, production and management essential; placing on the agenda the need to equip itself with new instruments capable of adapting to new challenges and ways of thinking and acting as a new urban planning. One of the phenomena resulting from these changes is urban sprawl, which directly reflects the aspect of land consumption, its intensity varies from one area to another according to several factors and parameters, the altitude or shape of the landforms play a considerable role in the configuration of urban sprawl within cities, we used this combination in our study by superimposing land use maps of the communes of Annaba and El Bouni on Altitude maps, this composition has allowed us to see clearly the distribution of urbanization according to the types of relief, this study comes to illustrate this reality in the bipolar space of the wilaya of Annaba (municipalities of Annaba and El Bouni, the latter has developed as a satellite city to the mother city and has now become the second largest urban pole in the wilaya.

Author Keywords: Urban sprawl, Relief, Land cover, Report, Constraints, Potentialities.

Abstract: (french)

La ville contemporaine dans les pays méditerranéens est en pleine mutation et entre dans une nouvelle phase d’urbanisation qui voit évoluer les façons de penser et d’agir, rendant indispensables des changements importants dans sa conception, sa production et sa gestion ; mettant à l’ordre du jour la nécessité de se doter de nouveaux instruments capables de s’adapter aux nouveaux enjeux et aux façons de penser et d’agir d’un nouvel urbanisme. L’un des phénomènes qui résulte ces mutations c’est l’étalement urbain, qui reflète directement l’aspect de consommation des terres, son intensité se varie d’un espace à un autre suivant plusieurs facteurs et paramètres, l’altitude ou la forme des reliefs jouent un rôle considérable dans la configuration de l’étalement urbain au sein des villes , nous avons utilisé cette combinaison dans notre étude en superposant des carte d’occupations des sols des communes d’Annaba et d’El Bouni sur des cartes d’Altitude, cette composition nous a permis de voir clairement la distribution de l’urbanisation en fonction les types de reliefs, cette étude vient pour illustrer cette réalité dans l’espace bipolaire de la wilaya d’Annaba (communes d’Annaba et d’El Bouni, cette dernière ne s’est développé que ville satellite à la ville mère et devenu aujourd’hui le deuxième plus grand pole urbain dans la wilaya.

Author Keywords: Etalement urbain, Relief, Occupation du sol, Rapport, Contraintes, Potentialités.

How to Cite this Article

Rabah ZENNIR, Saif Eddine DERRADJI, Djamel Eddine GUESSOUM, Abderraziq Djakjak, and Abdelmalek LEKOUI, “Identification of the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the bipolar space of the municipalities of Annaba and El Bouni (Algerian North-East) by the relationship between landforms and land use,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 860–868, March 2020.