[ Pour une meilleure clarification de la relation entre la personnalité de la marque et la publicité persuasive ]
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 277–298

MERABET Amina1 and BENHABIB Abderrezzak2
1 MC, Labo MECAS, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
2 Professeur, Directeur du Labo MECAS, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The brand personality is one of the concepts that can improve the understanding of brand-consumer relationship. A successful brand management requires the building of a distinct desirable and sustainable brand personality. However, few studies have focused on the antecedents of this concept.
This research attempts to determine the level of traits alteration of brand personality in the case of either three types of processing that relate to central, transitional and peripheral persuasive advertising.
Relying on a literature review, the basic concepts of this research were clarified and a conceptual model was proposed .It include antecedents of brand personality (persuasive advertising and attitude toward the ad), consequences (attitude toward the brand and purchase intention) and moderating variables (brand familiarity and product involvement).
An empirical study was conducted among 1200 individuals representative of Tlemcen city. The results of the data analysis using MANOVA and structural equation modeling confirm our main hypothesis as well as others hypotheses.
Author Keywords: Brand personality, Persuasive advertising, Brand attitude, Purchase intention, Brand familiarity, Product involvement.
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 277–298

MERABET Amina1 and BENHABIB Abderrezzak2
1 MC, Labo MECAS, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
2 Professeur, Directeur du Labo MECAS, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The brand personality is one of the concepts that can improve the understanding of brand-consumer relationship. A successful brand management requires the building of a distinct desirable and sustainable brand personality. However, few studies have focused on the antecedents of this concept.
This research attempts to determine the level of traits alteration of brand personality in the case of either three types of processing that relate to central, transitional and peripheral persuasive advertising.
Relying on a literature review, the basic concepts of this research were clarified and a conceptual model was proposed .It include antecedents of brand personality (persuasive advertising and attitude toward the ad), consequences (attitude toward the brand and purchase intention) and moderating variables (brand familiarity and product involvement).
An empirical study was conducted among 1200 individuals representative of Tlemcen city. The results of the data analysis using MANOVA and structural equation modeling confirm our main hypothesis as well as others hypotheses.
Author Keywords: Brand personality, Persuasive advertising, Brand attitude, Purchase intention, Brand familiarity, Product involvement.
Abstract: (french)
La personnalité de la marque est considérée comme l'un des concepts susceptibles d'améliorer la compréhension de la relation marque-consommateur. Une personnalité distincte, désirable et durable est devenue donc un objectif important des brand managers qui doivent définir soigneusement les traits de personnalité de leur marque. Néanmoins peu de recherches se sont focalisées sur les antécédents de ce concept.
Cette recherche s'attache donc à montrer le rôle direct que peuvent avoir les routes de la persuasion publicitaire (centrale, transitoire et périphérique) empruntées par les consommateurs sur leur perception des traits de la personnalité de la marque.
Une revue de la littérature exhaustive a permis de clarifier les concepts fondamentaux de cette recherche et a abouti à un modèle conceptuel intégrant des antécédents de la personnalité de la marque (la publicité persuasive et l'attitude envers l'annonce), ses conséquences (l'attitude envers la marque et l'intention d'achat) et des variables modératrices (la familiarité à la marque et l'implication envers la catégorie du produit).
L'étude empirique a été conduite auprès de 1200 individus représentatifs de la wilaya de Tlemcen. Les résultats de l'analyse de données à l'aide de MANOVA et les modèles d'équations structurelles confirment notre hypothèse principale ainsi que certaines hypothèses proposées
Author Keywords: La personnalité de la marque, la publicité persuasive, l'attitude envers la marque, l'intention d'achat, l'implication envers la catégorie du produit.
How to Cite this Article
MERABET Amina and BENHABIB Abderrezzak, “Clarifying the relationship between brand personality and persuasive advertising,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 277–298, June 2014.