International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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CSR as a dimension of perceived quality: A model of societal determinants of perceived quality to predict customer satisfaction in the context of commercial and industrial utilities

[ La RSE comme dimension de la qualité perçue: Proposition d’un modèle des déterminants sociétaux de la qualité perçue prédictifs de la satisfaction dans le contexte des Services Publics à caractère Industriel et Commercial ]

Volume 17, Issue 3, August 2016, Pages 838–851

 CSR as a dimension of perceived quality: A model of societal determinants of perceived quality to predict customer satisfaction in the context of commercial and industrial utilities

Charaf SAIDI1 and Bouchra EL ABBADI2

1 National School Of Commerce and Management, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tangier, Morocco
2 National School Of Commerce and Management, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tangier, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This paper discusses CSR as a dimension of perceived quality to predict customer satisfaction. Based on the methodological paradigm of Churchill and the Larcker and Fornell procedure, this research led to propose a model of social determinants of perceived quality, empirically identified. On the conceptual side, this article is an extension and an enrichment of researches on CSR and its influence on the company's image. On the managerial side, the proposed model will help utilities managers, organizer or operator, to develop appropriate quality approaches.

Author Keywords: Management of public utilities, CSR, Perceived Quality, Satisfaction.

Abstract: (french)

Cet article discute la RSE en tant que dimension de la qualité perçue prédictive de la satisfaction des usagers/clients des services publics. S’appuyant sur le paradigme méthodologique de Churchill couplé à la procédure de de Larcker et Fornell, cette recherche a abouti à la proposition d’un modèle des déterminants « sociétaux » de la qualité perçue prédictives de la satisfaction, identifiés empiriquement. Du côté conceptuel, cet article est un prolongement et un enrichissement des travaux sur la RSE et son influence sur l’image de l’entreprise. Du point de vue managérial, le modèle proposé renseigne les managers des services publics, organisateur ou opérateur, sur les dimensions pertinentes à considérer dans la définition des démarches qualité à bon escient.

Author Keywords: Management des Services Publics, RSE, Qualité Perçue, Satisfaction.

How to Cite this Article

Charaf SAIDI and Bouchra EL ABBADI, “CSR as a dimension of perceived quality: A model of societal determinants of perceived quality to predict customer satisfaction in the context of commercial and industrial utilities,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 838–851, August 2016.