Volume 25, Issue 1, December 2018, Pages 370–387
1 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD /UAC), BP 01-1397 Porto-Novo, Benin
2 Laboratoire d’Etudes des Dynamiques Urbaines et Régionales (LEDUR /UAC), Benin
3 Laboratoire de Recherche en Biologie Appliquée (LaRBA/EPAC/UAC), Benin
4 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD /UAC), Benin
5 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD), Cotonou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban growth in the Abomey and Bohicon has led to a real metamorphosis of these spaces. This transformation has spawned the urban sprawl whose manifestation and the factors are necessary for the understanding for a sustainable management of these territories. This research contributes to the knowledge of urban sprawl between Abomey and Bohicon territories. The methodology combined both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A sample of 944 people was constituted in both territories. The collected data are processed from statistical and spatial analysis and the computation of urban sprawl indicators. These various indicators show that the suburbs of Abomey and Bohicon are dynamic between 1992 and 2002 with a regular spread from the center towards the periphery marked by a more or less strong intensity between 2002 and 2013. The settlement of the populations is explained by the geographical position and the crossing of the tracks connecting the hinterland by these territories. The pedology, relief, climate, varied and diversified structuring services, political decisions, land and real estate contribute intensively. The correspondence analysis of factors reveals that the low environmental pollution, the inheritance, the land tenure are the main motivations of installation in the peripheries whereas those of the town centers are the proximity of the service or a market, the subdivision of the middle, the presence of water, electricity and security. This growing facility needs to meet the challenges imposed by this urban sprawl to ensure efficient management of these spaces for future generations.
Author Keywords: motivation, structuring services, sprawl, sustainable management, challenges.
Volume 25, Issue 1, December 2018, Pages 370–387
1 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD /UAC), BP 01-1397 Porto-Novo, Benin
2 Laboratoire d’Etudes des Dynamiques Urbaines et Régionales (LEDUR /UAC), Benin
3 Laboratoire de Recherche en Biologie Appliquée (LaRBA/EPAC/UAC), Benin
4 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD /UAC), Benin
5 Laboratoire d’Aménagement Régional & Développement (LARD), Cotonou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban growth in the Abomey and Bohicon has led to a real metamorphosis of these spaces. This transformation has spawned the urban sprawl whose manifestation and the factors are necessary for the understanding for a sustainable management of these territories. This research contributes to the knowledge of urban sprawl between Abomey and Bohicon territories. The methodology combined both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A sample of 944 people was constituted in both territories. The collected data are processed from statistical and spatial analysis and the computation of urban sprawl indicators. These various indicators show that the suburbs of Abomey and Bohicon are dynamic between 1992 and 2002 with a regular spread from the center towards the periphery marked by a more or less strong intensity between 2002 and 2013. The settlement of the populations is explained by the geographical position and the crossing of the tracks connecting the hinterland by these territories. The pedology, relief, climate, varied and diversified structuring services, political decisions, land and real estate contribute intensively. The correspondence analysis of factors reveals that the low environmental pollution, the inheritance, the land tenure are the main motivations of installation in the peripheries whereas those of the town centers are the proximity of the service or a market, the subdivision of the middle, the presence of water, electricity and security. This growing facility needs to meet the challenges imposed by this urban sprawl to ensure efficient management of these spaces for future generations.
Author Keywords: motivation, structuring services, sprawl, sustainable management, challenges.
Abstract: (french)
La croissance urbaine dans les territoires d’Abomey et de Bohicon, a conduit à une véritable métamorphose de ces espaces. Cette transformation a engendré l’étalement urbain dont la manifestation et les facteurs sont nécessaires à la compréhension pour une gestion durable de ces territoires. La présente recherche contribue à la connaissance de l’étalement urbain entre les territoires d’Abomey et de Bohicon. La démarche méthodologique a combiné aussi bien l’approche quantitative que qualitative. Un échantillon de 944 personnes a été constitué sur l’ensemble des territoires. Les données collectées sont traitées à partir d’analyses statistiques, spatiales, et de calcul d’indicateurs de mesure de l’étalement urbain. Les différents indicateurs attestent que les banlieues d’Abomey et de Bohicon sont dynamiques entre 1992 et 2002 avec un étalement régulier du centre vers la périphérie marquée par une intensité plus ou moins forte entre 2002 et 2013. L’installation des populations s’explique par la position géographique et la traversée des voies reliant l’hinterland par ces territoires. La pédologie, le relief, le climat, les services structurants variés et diversifiés, les décisions politiques, le foncier et l’immobilier y contribuent énormément. L’analyse factorielle des correspondances révèle que la faible pollution du milieu, l’héritage, le foncier constituent les principales motivations d’installation dans les périphéries tandis que celles des centres-villes sont la proximité du service ou d’un marché, le lotissement du milieu, la présence d’eau, d’électricité et la sécurité. Cette installation grandissante nécessitede relever les défis imposés par cet étalement urbain afin d’assurer une gestion efficiente de ces espaces pour les générations futures.
Author Keywords: installation, services structurants, étalement, gestion durable, défis.
How to Cite this Article
N. M. TOSSOU, T. VIGNINOU, A.R.A. SALIOU, D.J. GUEDENON, and Noukpo AGOSSOU, “MANIFESTATIONS AND FACTORS OF URBAN SPRAWL IN THE DOUBLET ABOMEY-BOHICON (BENIN),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 370–387, December 2018.