Volume 25, Issue 4, March 2019, Pages 1315–1329
1 Département de Psychologie & Sciences de l’Education, Facultés Africaines Bakhita, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
2 Département d’Administration et Développement Communautaire, Institut Supérieur des Techniques de Développement et de Management Moderne, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
3 Département De Psychologie & Sciences de l’Education, Facultés Africaines Bakhita, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
4 Département de Psychologie Clinique, Sous-Division Urbaine de l’EPSP, B.P.42 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Incest is a long-standing practice in our society, yet the same seven-letter word is still appalling to hear, because it has been shown that people who have lived incest experience terrible psychological and physical consequences and disastrous. In the twenty-first century, when an abused person wishes to denounce the situation, she is afraid of retaliation and she prefers to shut herself up in the silence and the denial of her many sufferings. Yet, it is important to talk about it and find ways to help these thousands of victims who are still living with the aftermath of abuse. This article focuses on incest in its large and restricts sense of the term; while elucidating the psychological consequences and the stakes incurred by those who experienced incest at a young age in the "Modern" families. In this way, we will attempt to illustrate the deep scars that the drama has left in these people in order to understand the complexity of the experience, the prohibition that surrounds it and the transgression of the forbidden, by asking ourselves about cultural diversity “Nande” in all its eras and according to its own history.
Author Keywords: Incest, Abuse, Aggression, Sexual, Consequence, Psychological, Victim, Forbidden, Transgression, Secret, Kinship and Sacred.
Volume 25, Issue 4, March 2019, Pages 1315–1329
1 Département de Psychologie & Sciences de l’Education, Facultés Africaines Bakhita, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
2 Département d’Administration et Développement Communautaire, Institut Supérieur des Techniques de Développement et de Management Moderne, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
3 Département De Psychologie & Sciences de l’Education, Facultés Africaines Bakhita, B.P.63 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
4 Département de Psychologie Clinique, Sous-Division Urbaine de l’EPSP, B.P.42 Butembo, Nord Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Incest is a long-standing practice in our society, yet the same seven-letter word is still appalling to hear, because it has been shown that people who have lived incest experience terrible psychological and physical consequences and disastrous. In the twenty-first century, when an abused person wishes to denounce the situation, she is afraid of retaliation and she prefers to shut herself up in the silence and the denial of her many sufferings. Yet, it is important to talk about it and find ways to help these thousands of victims who are still living with the aftermath of abuse. This article focuses on incest in its large and restricts sense of the term; while elucidating the psychological consequences and the stakes incurred by those who experienced incest at a young age in the "Modern" families. In this way, we will attempt to illustrate the deep scars that the drama has left in these people in order to understand the complexity of the experience, the prohibition that surrounds it and the transgression of the forbidden, by asking ourselves about cultural diversity “Nande” in all its eras and according to its own history.
Author Keywords: Incest, Abuse, Aggression, Sexual, Consequence, Psychological, Victim, Forbidden, Transgression, Secret, Kinship and Sacred.
Abstract: (french)
L’inceste est une pratique qui se vit depuis fort longtemps dans notre société et pourtant ce même mot de sept lettres est toujours aussi effroyable à entendre, car il a été démontré que les personnes ayant vécu l’inceste vivent des terribles conséquences psychologiques et physiques désastreuses. Encore au XXIe siècle, lorsqu’une personne abusée désire dénoncer la situation, elle a peur des représailles et elle préfère s’enfermer dans le mutisme et le déni de ses multiples souffrances. Pourtant, il est important d’en parler et de trouver des moyens pour aider ces milliers de victimes qui vivent encore et toujours avec les séquelles des abus subis. Cet article s’interroge particulièrement sur l’inceste dans son sens large et restreint du terme ; tout en élucidant les conséquences psychologiques et les enjeux encourus par les personnes ayant vécu l’inceste dans leur jeune âge dans les familles modernes, plus particulièrement chez les « Nande ». Par ce biais, nous tenterons d’illustrer les cicatrices profondes que le drame a laissées chez ces personnes afin d’appréhender la complexité de l’expérience, l’interdit qui l’entoure et la transgression de l’interdit, en s’interrogeant sur la diversité culturelle « Nande » dans toute ses époques et selon sa propre l’histoire.
Author Keywords: Inceste, Abus, agression, sexuel, Conséquence, psychologique, Victime, Interdit, Transgression, Secret, Parenté et Sacré.
How to Cite this Article
YENDE RAPHAEL Grevisse, KAHAMBU KAMABU Alphonsine, SIWAKO SITUKA Denise, and KYAKIMWA KAGHUSA Denise, “IMPACT OF INCEST IN “NANDE” MODERN FAMILIES: CONSEQUENCES AND CHALLENGES,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1315–1329, March 2019.