[ Contribution à l’étude pétrolière dans le bassin Ouest Congolien: Cas des formations géologiques affleurant aux environs de Sekelolo et de Kwilu, Snel dans la province de Kongo Central, RD Congo ]
Volume 31, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 542–554

David Ndumbi Katende1, Raïs Seki Lenzo2, Jean Pierre Kalay Kut3, Shams Mbudi Diambu4, Hugues Makima Moyikula5, Grady Kalonji Lelo6, Jeaney Lusongo Elua7, and Yanick Mananga Thamba8
1 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
2 Department of Internal Geophysics, Center of Research in Geophysics (CRG), Kinshasa, RD Congo
3 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Department of Exploration and Production, Faculty of Oil, Gas and New Energies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
6 Department of Exploration and Production, Faculty of Oil, Gas and New Energies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
7 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
8 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The possibility of existence of viable petroleum systems in west Congolien Basin has been subject to controversies over the last decade, given the extreme Tectonical events that underwent this sedimentary basin. Some studies have reported interesting results regarding potential source rocks and the organic matter input. Here, we report the petrophysical investigation of geological formations outcropping around Sekelolo and Kwilu/Snel, of which lithological units are likely to bear fluids, thus playing the role of oil and gas reservoir. The porosity and the permeability obtained from Laboratory analyses, range within 10-15% and >250 millidarcy respectively. Petrophysical results suggest the existence of very good reservoirs, while further studies are necessary to elucidate the maturation and preservation of organic matter from secondary alteration during the evolution of the basin.
Author Keywords: Petrophysical studies, Petroleum system, West Congolien.
Volume 31, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 542–554

David Ndumbi Katende1, Raïs Seki Lenzo2, Jean Pierre Kalay Kut3, Shams Mbudi Diambu4, Hugues Makima Moyikula5, Grady Kalonji Lelo6, Jeaney Lusongo Elua7, and Yanick Mananga Thamba8
1 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
2 Department of Internal Geophysics, Center of Research in Geophysics (CRG), Kinshasa, RD Congo
3 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Department of Exploration and Production, Faculty of Oil, Gas and New Energies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
6 Department of Exploration and Production, Faculty of Oil, Gas and New Energies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
7 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
8 Department d’exploration et production, Faculté de Pétrole, Gaz et Energies Nouvelles, Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The possibility of existence of viable petroleum systems in west Congolien Basin has been subject to controversies over the last decade, given the extreme Tectonical events that underwent this sedimentary basin. Some studies have reported interesting results regarding potential source rocks and the organic matter input. Here, we report the petrophysical investigation of geological formations outcropping around Sekelolo and Kwilu/Snel, of which lithological units are likely to bear fluids, thus playing the role of oil and gas reservoir. The porosity and the permeability obtained from Laboratory analyses, range within 10-15% and >250 millidarcy respectively. Petrophysical results suggest the existence of very good reservoirs, while further studies are necessary to elucidate the maturation and preservation of organic matter from secondary alteration during the evolution of the basin.
Author Keywords: Petrophysical studies, Petroleum system, West Congolien.
Abstract: (french)
La possibilité d’existence de systèmes pétroliers viables dans le Bassin Ouest Congolien a été sujet aux controverses pendant la décennie passée, étant donné les évènements tectoniques qu’a connu ce bassin sédimentaire. Quelques études ont rapporté des résultats intéressants concernant les roches mères potentielles et la matière organique impliquée. Dans cette étude, nous rapportons l’investigation pétrophysique des formations géologiques affleurant aux environs de Sekelolo et kwilu/Snel, dont les unités lithologiques sont susceptibles de contenir les fluides, par conséquent jouant le rôle de réservoir de pétrole et de gaz. La porosité et la perméabilité obtenues à partir des analyses de laboratoire, se trouve dans l’intervalle 10 à 15% et >250millidarcy respectivement. Les résultats petrophysiques suggèrent l’existence des très bons réservoirs, cependant les études approfondies sont nécessaires pour élucider la maturation et la préservation de la matière organique contre l’altération secondaire au cours de l’évolution du bassin.
Author Keywords: Etudes pétrophysiques, Système pétrolier, Ouest Congolien, Roches, Réservoir.
How to Cite this Article
David Ndumbi Katende, Raïs Seki Lenzo, Jean Pierre Kalay Kut, Shams Mbudi Diambu, Hugues Makima Moyikula, Grady Kalonji Lelo, Jeaney Lusongo Elua, and Yanick Mananga Thamba, “Contribution to the petroleum study in the Ouest Congolien Basin: Case of the geological formations outcropping around Sekelolo and Kwilu, SNEL, in Kongo Central province, DR Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 542–554, December 2020.