[ Impact des investissements directs étrangers sur la croissance en Tunisie (1970-2015) ]
Volume 32, Issue 3, April 2021, Pages 313–329

Ahmed Alouani1 and Hmidi Abir2
1 PH.D. of Economics, 2007, CEMAFI, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
2 Holder of a master's degree in economics, Gafsa, Tunisia
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Theoretically, many researchers have found a positive relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic growth. In recent years, a number of economists have worked to empirically prove this result, studying several countries around the world.In this article, we have studied this relationship (FDI-economic growth), in the case of Tunisia during the period (1970-2015). We recalled the different empirical works that studied the impact of direct investment abroad on economic growth in the first section, then we analyzed the methodology of the work in the second section and finally we presented our interpret different results of the estimates. It has been found that FDI has had a significant and positive influence on Tunisian economic growth. We can also say that human capital is a determining factor in the process of attractiveness in Tunisia. Tunisia should therefore make a coherent trade-off between an attractiveness policy and an effective domestic policy which at the same time allows it to attract and benefit from the advantages of FDI.
Author Keywords: Foreign direct investment (FDI), growth, Tunisia, positive relationship.
Volume 32, Issue 3, April 2021, Pages 313–329

Ahmed Alouani1 and Hmidi Abir2
1 PH.D. of Economics, 2007, CEMAFI, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
2 Holder of a master's degree in economics, Gafsa, Tunisia
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Theoretically, many researchers have found a positive relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic growth. In recent years, a number of economists have worked to empirically prove this result, studying several countries around the world.In this article, we have studied this relationship (FDI-economic growth), in the case of Tunisia during the period (1970-2015). We recalled the different empirical works that studied the impact of direct investment abroad on economic growth in the first section, then we analyzed the methodology of the work in the second section and finally we presented our interpret different results of the estimates. It has been found that FDI has had a significant and positive influence on Tunisian economic growth. We can also say that human capital is a determining factor in the process of attractiveness in Tunisia. Tunisia should therefore make a coherent trade-off between an attractiveness policy and an effective domestic policy which at the same time allows it to attract and benefit from the advantages of FDI.
Author Keywords: Foreign direct investment (FDI), growth, Tunisia, positive relationship.
Abstract: (french)
Théoriquement, De nombreux chercheurs ont trouvé une relation positive entre l’investissement direct étranger (IDE), et la croissance économique. Ces dernières années, un certain nombre d'économistes ont travaillé pour prouver empiriquement ce résultat, en étudiant plusieurs pays dans le monde.Dans cet article, nous avons étudié cette relation (IDE-croissance économique), dans le cas de la Tunisie au cours le la période (1970-2015). Nous avons rappelé les différents travaux empiriques qui ont étudié l’impact de l’investissement direct à l’étranger sur la croissance économique dans la première section, par la suite nous avons analysé la méthodologie du travail en deuxième section et enfin nous avons présenté nos interpréterons des différents résultats des estimations. On a trouvé que les IDE ont eu une influence significative et positive sur la croissance économique tunisienne. On peut dire aussi que le capital humain est un facteur déterminant dans le processus d'attractivité en Tunisie. La Tunisie devrait donc faire un arbitrage cohérent entre une politique d'attractivité et une politique intérieure efficace qui lui permet en même temps d'attirer et de bénéficier des avantages de l’IDE.
Author Keywords: investissement direct étranger (IDE), croissance, Tunisie, relation positive.
How to Cite this Article
Ahmed Alouani and Hmidi Abir, “Impact of foreign direct investment on growth in Tunisia (1970-2015),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 313–329, April 2021.