[ Participation communautaire au Programme Ecoles et Villages assainis dans la zone de santé de Bunyakiri au Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo: Enjeux de l’appropriation et perspectives ]
Volume 35, Issue 3, February 2022, Pages 492–501

Doris Bengibabuya Hombanyi1 and Hermès Karemere2
1 Ecole régionale de santé Publique, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
2 Ecole régionale de Santé Publique, Université catholique de Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: The National Healthy Schools and Villages Program aims to provide and maintain water, hygiene and sanitation facilities in rural and peri-urban villages and schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In South Kivu, at least 75% of projects fail when the involvement of the population is not taken into account. This is the case of the Bunyakiri Health Zone where a weak appropriation of the achievements of the Healthy Schools and Villages Program in the post-certification phase is observed, resulting in the loosening of the community. The aim of the study was to determine the factors associated with low ownership of the post-certification phase of Healthy Schools and Villages Program. Methodology: The study was descriptive cross-section using a semi-structured questionnaire. It involved 383 households located in healthy villages and 69 certified schools. Data processing and analysis was done using Stata v14 software. We used the Chi-square test to compare categorical variables at the level of statistical significance set at p <0.05. Results: The level of ownership of the Heathy Schools and Villages Program in the post-certification phase is low and associated with the negative perceptions of the community towards the Healthy Schools and Villages Program (p = 0.0294); insufficient and / or lack of financial resources (p = 0.0327); the absence / non-existence of community-based committees in some villages and schools (p = 0.0000); the lack of motivation of the members of the existing committees and the effectiveness of these committees (p = 0.0134); the insufficiency / absence of supervision of permanent monitoring of activities by the BCZ and the technical and financial partners (p = 0.0024 and 0.0286) and the low or not community mobilization in the village (p = 0.0000).Discussion and Conclusion: The low ownership of Healthy Schools and Villages Program remains a major problem in communities and the involvement of all stakeholders in the process is of great importance. Intervention projects should set up dynamic committees and motivate them, a monitoring plan and financial support while building community support in order to sustain interventions.
Author Keywords: Community participation, appropriation, National Healtyh Schools and Villages, Post-certification phase, Bunyakiri, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Volume 35, Issue 3, February 2022, Pages 492–501

Doris Bengibabuya Hombanyi1 and Hermès Karemere2
1 Ecole régionale de santé Publique, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
2 Ecole régionale de Santé Publique, Université catholique de Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: The National Healthy Schools and Villages Program aims to provide and maintain water, hygiene and sanitation facilities in rural and peri-urban villages and schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In South Kivu, at least 75% of projects fail when the involvement of the population is not taken into account. This is the case of the Bunyakiri Health Zone where a weak appropriation of the achievements of the Healthy Schools and Villages Program in the post-certification phase is observed, resulting in the loosening of the community. The aim of the study was to determine the factors associated with low ownership of the post-certification phase of Healthy Schools and Villages Program. Methodology: The study was descriptive cross-section using a semi-structured questionnaire. It involved 383 households located in healthy villages and 69 certified schools. Data processing and analysis was done using Stata v14 software. We used the Chi-square test to compare categorical variables at the level of statistical significance set at p <0.05. Results: The level of ownership of the Heathy Schools and Villages Program in the post-certification phase is low and associated with the negative perceptions of the community towards the Healthy Schools and Villages Program (p = 0.0294); insufficient and / or lack of financial resources (p = 0.0327); the absence / non-existence of community-based committees in some villages and schools (p = 0.0000); the lack of motivation of the members of the existing committees and the effectiveness of these committees (p = 0.0134); the insufficiency / absence of supervision of permanent monitoring of activities by the BCZ and the technical and financial partners (p = 0.0024 and 0.0286) and the low or not community mobilization in the village (p = 0.0000).Discussion and Conclusion: The low ownership of Healthy Schools and Villages Program remains a major problem in communities and the involvement of all stakeholders in the process is of great importance. Intervention projects should set up dynamic committees and motivate them, a monitoring plan and financial support while building community support in order to sustain interventions.
Author Keywords: Community participation, appropriation, National Healtyh Schools and Villages, Post-certification phase, Bunyakiri, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Abstract: (french)
Introduction: Le programme national Ecoles et Villages Assainis (PNEVA) vise à fournir et à maintenir des installations dans le domaine de l’Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) dans des villages et écoles ruraux et péri-urbains en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Au Sud-Kivu, au moins 75% des projets connaissent l’échec quand l’implication de la population n’est pas prise en compte. C’est le cas de la Zone de Santé de Bunyakiri où une faible appropriation des acquis du PNEVA en phase post-certification est observée, traduite par le relâchement de la communauté. Le but de l’étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés à la faible appropriation de la phase post-certification du PNEVA. Méthodologie: L’étude était descriptive transversale recourant à un questionnaire semi-directif. Elle a concerné 383 ménages localisés dans les villages assainis et 69 écoles certifiées. Le traitement et l’analyse des données ont recouru au logiciel Stata v14. Nous avons utilisé le test de Chi-carré pour comparer les variables catégoriques au seuil de signification statistique fixée à p<0.05. Résultats: Le niveau de l’appropriation du PNEVA dans la phase post-certification est faible et cela est associé aux perceptions négatives de la communauté vis-à-vis du programme VEA (p=0,0294); à l’insuffisance et/ou manque des moyens financiers (p=0,0327); à l’absence/inexistence des comités de base communautaire dans certains villages et écoles (p=0,0000); au manque de motivation des membres des comités existants et d’efficacité de ces comités (p=0,0134); à l’insuffisance/absence des supervisions de suivi permanent des activités par le BCZ et les partenaires techniques et financiers (p=0,0024 et 0,0286) et la faible ou non mobilisation communautaire dans le village (p=0,0000). Discussion et conclusion: La faible appropriation du PNEVA demeure un problème majeur dans les communautés et l’implication de toutes les parties prenantes dans le processus est d’une grande importance capitale. Les projets d’intervention devraient mettre en place des comités dynamiques et les motiver, un plan de suivi et un appui financier tout en amenant à une adhésion communautaire afin d’une pérennisation des interventions.
Author Keywords: Participation communautaire, appropriation, Programme National Villages-Ecoles Assainis, Phase post-certification, Bunyakiri, Sud-Kivu, République Démocratique du Congo.
How to Cite this Article
Doris Bengibabuya Hombanyi and Hermès Karemere, “Community participation in the Healthy Schools and Villages program in the Bunyakiri Health Zone in South Kivu in the Democratic Repubic of Congo: Ownership issues and perspectives,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 492–501, February 2022.