[ Programmation en Python du calcul de la probabilité de la rente viagère appliquée à la CNSS/Haut-Katanga ]
Volume 36, Issue 1, April 2022, Pages 95–114
Mbuyi Wa Mbuyi Stephane1, DIBWE KITENGE Cedric2, MULENDA KINGWEZYA Jacques3, and NSATO WA MULEMBWA Idol4
1 Département des Mathématiques Informatiques, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Département des sciences commerciales et administratives et Informatique de gestion, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Département des sciences commerciales et administratives et Informatique de gestion, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Département des Mathématiques Informatiques, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The object of this article is part of the logic of computerization of mathematical calculations. The countless mathematical calculations prove to be tedious and complicated, even impossible to perform manually and the considerable time required to process them. This is particularly with regard to the calculations of the probability of the life annuity to allow the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) in acronym of the province of Haut-Katanga to determine the result in a few seconds, to ward off errors and remove fatigue. A life annuity is a sum of money, called arrears, that a person (the annuitant or the insurer) undertakes to pay periodically to another person (the insured or the annuitant) until the death of that person. this. Hence the name "life". Since life insurance operations are linked to the length of human life, their implementation absolutely requires the calculation of the probabilities of death or survival from mortality statistics.
Author Keywords: algorithm, programming language, mortality table, taxation.
Volume 36, Issue 1, April 2022, Pages 95–114
Mbuyi Wa Mbuyi Stephane1, DIBWE KITENGE Cedric2, MULENDA KINGWEZYA Jacques3, and NSATO WA MULEMBWA Idol4
1 Département des Mathématiques Informatiques, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Département des sciences commerciales et administratives et Informatique de gestion, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Département des sciences commerciales et administratives et Informatique de gestion, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Département des Mathématiques Informatiques, ISP Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The object of this article is part of the logic of computerization of mathematical calculations. The countless mathematical calculations prove to be tedious and complicated, even impossible to perform manually and the considerable time required to process them. This is particularly with regard to the calculations of the probability of the life annuity to allow the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) in acronym of the province of Haut-Katanga to determine the result in a few seconds, to ward off errors and remove fatigue. A life annuity is a sum of money, called arrears, that a person (the annuitant or the insurer) undertakes to pay periodically to another person (the insured or the annuitant) until the death of that person. this. Hence the name "life". Since life insurance operations are linked to the length of human life, their implementation absolutely requires the calculation of the probabilities of death or survival from mortality statistics.
Author Keywords: algorithm, programming language, mortality table, taxation.
Abstract: (french)
L’objet de ce présent article s’inscrit dans la logique d’informatisation des calculs mathématiques. Les innombrables calculs mathématiques s’avèrent fastidieux et compliqués, voire impossibles à réaliser manuellement et du temps considérable que nécessite leur traitement. C’est notamment en ce qui concerne les calculs de la probabilité de la rente viagère pour permettre à la Caisse National de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) en sigle de la province du Haut-Katanga en sigle de déterminer le résultat dans quelques secondes, d’écarter les erreurs et de supprimer la fatigue. Une rente viagère est une somme d’argent, appelée arrérage, qu’une personne (le débirentier ou l’assureur) s’engage à verser périodiquement à une autre personne (l’assuré ou le rentier) jusqu’au décès de celle-ci. D’où la dénomination « viagère ». Les opérations d’assurance vie étant liées à la durée de la vie humaine, leur mise en œuvre nécessite absolument le calcul des probabilités de décès ou de survie à partir de statistiques de mortalité.
Author Keywords: algorithme, langage de programmation, table des mortalités, fiscalité.
How to Cite this Article
Mbuyi Wa Mbuyi Stephane, DIBWE KITENGE Cedric, MULENDA KINGWEZYA Jacques, and NSATO WA MULEMBWA Idol, “Programming in Python of the calculation of the probability of the life annuity applied to the CNSS/Haut-Katanga,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 95–114, April 2022.