[ Sélection participative des variétés pour la résistance à la striure brune du manioc en Province du Sud-Kivu, République Démocratique du Congo ]
Volume 37, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 407–415

Ugentho Ukany Henry1, Clérisse M. Casinga2, Nzama Djaimbu3, Tuombemungu Baguma Robert4, Bashizi Kalinga Benoît5, and Bisimwa Bunani Rughen6
1 Institut National pour l’Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques, B.P. 2037 Kinshasa 1, Centre de Recherche de Mulungu, RD Congo
2 Faculté des sciences agronomiques et environnement, Université Evangélique en Afrique, Bukavu, South Kivu, RD Congo
3 Institut National pour l’Etude et la Recherche Agronomique - Mulungu (INERA), RD Congo
4 Centre International d’Agriculture Tropicale, Bureau de Bukavu, R.D. Congo
5 Institut International d’Agriculture Tropicale, Station de Kalambo, Bukavu, RD Congo
6 Virunga Enzymes, Beni, Nord-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cassava is considered the most important crop in the tropics in terms of its high yield, its potential to produce large amounts of calories in food and income to producers. In Central and East Africa, from 2000 to 2010, the African mosaic no longer constituted a major constraint to culture for research because researchers from national and international institutions mobilized to fight the pandemic by developing no varieties resistant to this cassava virus. Unfortunately, the period following the year 2010, the culture experienced a qualitative and quantitative depreciation of the tuberous roots in most producing regions. All the varieties selected for mosaic resistance are ravaged by the brown streak disease which extends from East to Central Africa without sparing the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo with its varieties selected and distributed by the Centers INERA research centers such as Liyayi (MM 96/0287), Mayombe (MM 96/7752), Sawasawa (MM 96/3920), Obama 1 (TME 419). As part of the fight against the disease, the presence of which has been confirmed in the East since 2012, we have set up a participatory variety selection trial in two sites, in particular in the Mulungu Research Station and in the Ruzizi plain, where disease pressure is greatest. The objective of the trial was to identify at least one material tolerant or resistant to brown streak after evaluation of a few clones having passed the stage of the uniform yield trial. Three repetitions are installed in the two sites with 5 materials and 2 improved controls, one of which is tolerant and the other sensitive to the disease. Cuttings taken from apparently healthy plants are planted at 1mx1m spacing. After 12 months of vegetation, the trial is harvested and several materials have proven to be efficient to different degrees. Only clone MLG 2011/092 showed no brown streak symptoms on leaves and roots. Its average yield of 36.661 t/ha is far above the average yield of the trial (34.830 t/ha) on the one hand; and that of the improved control Nabana (32.708 t/ha) which is currently the most cultivated variety for its tolerance to the disease in the most affected area. The MLG 2010/180 clone also seems interesting because of its highest yield of all the others (52.598 t/ha), the low average severity of attack on the leaves (2.8) and in the roots (2.55); the average incidence of the disease in the roots is also less than 25%.
Author Keywords: Participatory selection, brown streak, yield, tuberous roots.
Volume 37, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 407–415

Ugentho Ukany Henry1, Clérisse M. Casinga2, Nzama Djaimbu3, Tuombemungu Baguma Robert4, Bashizi Kalinga Benoît5, and Bisimwa Bunani Rughen6
1 Institut National pour l’Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques, B.P. 2037 Kinshasa 1, Centre de Recherche de Mulungu, RD Congo
2 Faculté des sciences agronomiques et environnement, Université Evangélique en Afrique, Bukavu, South Kivu, RD Congo
3 Institut National pour l’Etude et la Recherche Agronomique - Mulungu (INERA), RD Congo
4 Centre International d’Agriculture Tropicale, Bureau de Bukavu, R.D. Congo
5 Institut International d’Agriculture Tropicale, Station de Kalambo, Bukavu, RD Congo
6 Virunga Enzymes, Beni, Nord-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cassava is considered the most important crop in the tropics in terms of its high yield, its potential to produce large amounts of calories in food and income to producers. In Central and East Africa, from 2000 to 2010, the African mosaic no longer constituted a major constraint to culture for research because researchers from national and international institutions mobilized to fight the pandemic by developing no varieties resistant to this cassava virus. Unfortunately, the period following the year 2010, the culture experienced a qualitative and quantitative depreciation of the tuberous roots in most producing regions. All the varieties selected for mosaic resistance are ravaged by the brown streak disease which extends from East to Central Africa without sparing the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo with its varieties selected and distributed by the Centers INERA research centers such as Liyayi (MM 96/0287), Mayombe (MM 96/7752), Sawasawa (MM 96/3920), Obama 1 (TME 419). As part of the fight against the disease, the presence of which has been confirmed in the East since 2012, we have set up a participatory variety selection trial in two sites, in particular in the Mulungu Research Station and in the Ruzizi plain, where disease pressure is greatest. The objective of the trial was to identify at least one material tolerant or resistant to brown streak after evaluation of a few clones having passed the stage of the uniform yield trial. Three repetitions are installed in the two sites with 5 materials and 2 improved controls, one of which is tolerant and the other sensitive to the disease. Cuttings taken from apparently healthy plants are planted at 1mx1m spacing. After 12 months of vegetation, the trial is harvested and several materials have proven to be efficient to different degrees. Only clone MLG 2011/092 showed no brown streak symptoms on leaves and roots. Its average yield of 36.661 t/ha is far above the average yield of the trial (34.830 t/ha) on the one hand; and that of the improved control Nabana (32.708 t/ha) which is currently the most cultivated variety for its tolerance to the disease in the most affected area. The MLG 2010/180 clone also seems interesting because of its highest yield of all the others (52.598 t/ha), the low average severity of attack on the leaves (2.8) and in the roots (2.55); the average incidence of the disease in the roots is also less than 25%.
Author Keywords: Participatory selection, brown streak, yield, tuberous roots.
Abstract: (french)
Le manioc est considéré comme la culture la plus importante dans la zone tropicale en termes de son rendement élevé, de ses potentialités de production de grandes quantités de calories dans l’alimentation et de revenus aux producteurs. En Afrique Centrale et de l’Est, de 2000 à 2010, la mosaïque africaine ne constituait plus une contrainte majeure à la culture pour la recherche parce que les chercheurs des institutions nationales et internationales se sont mobilisés pour la lutte contre la pandémie en mettant au point des variétés résistantes à cette virose du manioc. Malheureusement, la période suivant l’année 2010, la culture connait une dépréciation qualitative et quantitative des racines tubéreuses dans la plupart des régions productrices. Toutes les variétés sélectionnées pour la résistance à la mosaïque sont ravagées par la striure brune qui s’étend de l’Est au Centre de l’Afrique sans épargner l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo avec ses variétés sélectionnées et diffusées par les Centres de Recherche de l’INERA telles que Liyayi (MM 96/0287), Mayombe (MM 96/7752), Sawasawa (MM 96/3920), Obama 1 (TME 419). Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la maladie dont la présence a été confirmée à l’Est depuis 2012, nous avons installé un essai de sélection participative des variétés dans deux sites, notamment en Station de Recherche de Mulungu et dans la plaine de la Ruzizi où la pression de la maladie est plus forte. L’essai avait pour objectif d’identifier au moins un matériel tolérant ou résistant à la striure brune après évaluation de quelques clones ayant franchis l’étape de l’essai uniforme de rendement. Trois répétitions sont installées dans les deux sites avec 5 matériels et 2 témoins améliorés dont l’un tolérant et l’autre sensible à la maladie. Les boutures prélevées sur les plants apparemment sains sont plantées aux écartements de 1mx1m. Après 12 mois de végétation, l’essai est récolté et plusieurs matériels se sont avérés performants à des degrés différents. Seul le clone MLG 2011/092 n’a manifesté aucun symptôme de la striure brune sur les feuilles et dans les racines. Son rendement moyen de 36,661 t/ha est de loin supérieur à la moyenne des rendements de l’essai (34,830 t/ha) d’une part; et à celui du témoin amélioré Nabana (32,708 t/ha) qui est la variété la plus cultivée actuellement pour sa tolérance à la maladie dans la zone la plus affectée. Le clone MLG 2010/180 parait aussi intéressant à cause de son rendement moyen le plus élevé de tous les autres (52,598 t/ha), la faible sévérité moyenne d’attaque sur les feuilles (2,8) et dans les racines (2,55); l’incidence moyenne de la maladie dans les racines étant aussi inférieure à 25%.
Author Keywords: Sélection participative, striure brune, rendement, racines tubéreuses.
How to Cite this Article
Ugentho Ukany Henry, Clérisse M. Casinga, Nzama Djaimbu, Tuombemungu Baguma Robert, Bashizi Kalinga Benoît, and Bisimwa Bunani Rughen, “Participatory selection of varieties for resistance to cassava brown streak in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 407–415, September 2022.