International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Analysis of the affectation of the Ecuadorian State budget by the Covid-19 pandemic during the period January to December 2020

[ Análisis de la afectacion del presupuesto del Estado Ecuatoriano por la pandemia del Covid-19 durante el periodo Enero a Diciemre del 2020 ]

Volume 38, Issue 3, January 2023, Pages 512–523

 Analysis of the affectation of the Ecuadorian State budget by the Covid-19 pandemic during the period January to December 2020

Lissette Gabriela Salazar Ronquillo Ronquillo1, Estela Judith Romero Rodrìguez2, Guilmer Eduardo Villa Sinche3, and Álvaro Manuel Salazar Ronquillo4

1 Gestor de OEC, Instituto Superior Tecnológico «Juan Bautista Aguirre», Magister en Tecnología e Innovación Pedagógica, Daule, Ecuador
2 Docente Investigador, Instituto Superior Tecnológico «Juan Bautista Aguirre», Ingeniera Comercial, Daule, Ecuador
3 Abogado del Departamento de Defensa Institucional De la «Policía Nacional del » Abogado, Ecuad, Ecuador
4 Docente Investigador, Instituto Superior Tecnológico «Juan Bautista Aguirre» Economista, Daule, Ecuador

Original language: Spanish

Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The coronavirus crisis implies an unprecedented challenge for the present and future peace of Ecuadorians. The social and macroeconomic effect remains, leaving a strong gap, which aggravates the challenges facing the country, with a view to achieving inclusive and sustainable development. Faced with these situations, it is important to articulate a response to the crisis through ambitious and effective public policies that allow alleviating its effect, both in the initial stage of resistance and in the subsequent stages of reactivation and recovery. In this environment, the capacity to finance public policies is reduced in the country, due to the previous conditions of exhaustion in which the territory was with respect to points such as low productivity, persistent social vulnerability, or institutional weaknesses, and also due to the very effect that the crisis is having on public accounts and on financial conditions in general. This work is organized in 3 sections. First, the financing needs generated by the crisis are shown. Secondly, the different measures and possibilities that continue to be adopted and could be adopted in the immediate environment to finance the response to the crisis and overcome the liquidity pressures that the territory may face are analyzed. Thirdly, several surfaces for meditation and reform are proposed on which a more sustainable development financing model for the future could be based.

Author Keywords: bank, Covid-19, Ecuador, finances, money.

How to Cite this Article

Lissette Gabriela Salazar Ronquillo Ronquillo, Estela Judith Romero Rodrìguez, Guilmer Eduardo Villa Sinche, and Álvaro Manuel Salazar Ronquillo, “Analysis of the affectation of the Ecuadorian State budget by the Covid-19 pandemic during the period January to December 2020,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 512–523, January 2023.