Volume 39, Issue 4, June 2023, Pages 1514–1519

Shefiu Ogunbote1 and Dawodu Rasheed Adegbenro2
1 Department of Technology Education, Lagos State University of Education, Oto, Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria
2 Department of Technology Education, Lagos State University of Education, Oto, Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria
Original language: English
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The paper investigates cooperative learning method and Students’ Academic achievement in Technical College Metalwork Technology in Lagos state. The study covered four out of five Technical Colleges in Lagos state. To guide the study one research question and one hypothesis are formulated and tested at 0.05 significant level. To guide the study one research question and one hypothesis are formulated and tested at 0.05 significant level and Quasi experimental designed was used for the study. Eight (80) students were randomly sampled from the four technical colleges and assigned to experimental and control groups. A thirty-five Metalwork achievement test (MWAT) adapted from National Board for Business and Technical Education past questions papers was used to assess the students. Validation of the instrument was established by four experts in metalwork technology and reliability of the instrument using person product moment correlation yields 0.89. Data collected were analysed using mean and T-test statistics. The findings revealed that cooperative learning method has significant effect on students’ academic achievement in Metal Work Technology in Technical Colleges. Based on the findings, it was recommended that cooperative learning method should be adopted in teaching metal work technology in technical colleges.
Author Keywords: Cooperative learning, metalwork technology and academic achievement.

Shefiu Ogunbote1 and Dawodu Rasheed Adegbenro2
1 Department of Technology Education, Lagos State University of Education, Oto, Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria
2 Department of Technology Education, Lagos State University of Education, Oto, Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria
Original language: English
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The paper investigates cooperative learning method and Students’ Academic achievement in Technical College Metalwork Technology in Lagos state. The study covered four out of five Technical Colleges in Lagos state. To guide the study one research question and one hypothesis are formulated and tested at 0.05 significant level. To guide the study one research question and one hypothesis are formulated and tested at 0.05 significant level and Quasi experimental designed was used for the study. Eight (80) students were randomly sampled from the four technical colleges and assigned to experimental and control groups. A thirty-five Metalwork achievement test (MWAT) adapted from National Board for Business and Technical Education past questions papers was used to assess the students. Validation of the instrument was established by four experts in metalwork technology and reliability of the instrument using person product moment correlation yields 0.89. Data collected were analysed using mean and T-test statistics. The findings revealed that cooperative learning method has significant effect on students’ academic achievement in Metal Work Technology in Technical Colleges. Based on the findings, it was recommended that cooperative learning method should be adopted in teaching metal work technology in technical colleges.
Author Keywords: Cooperative learning, metalwork technology and academic achievement.
How to Cite this Article
Shefiu Ogunbote and Dawodu Rasheed Adegbenro, “Co-operative learning method and metalwork student’s academic achievement in technical colleges,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1514–1519, June 2023.