[ Dynamique spatio-temporelle de la biomasse fourragère liée aux fluctuations pluviométriques dans le département de l’Alibori au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest) ]
Volume 44, Issue 3, January 2025, Pages 799–812
Soufouyane Zakari1
1 Laboratoire de Cartographie, (LaCarto), Université d'Abomey-Calavi, 10 BP 1082, Cotonou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Alibori is by excellence, a pastoral cattle breeding region subjected to many climatic constraints which block the development of the rural world. This article studied the impact of the pluviometric fluctuations on the fodder production in the Department of Alibori. For that purpose, the Maximum Value Composite (MVC) method was used for the image processing Landsat OLI/TIRS of 2013 and 2014. The follow-up of the fodder production is made through the decadal data during rain seasons by the growth index standardized (ICN). The chi-square test was used for to evaluate the correlation between the values of ICN and precipitations. The MaxEnt model made it possible to evaluate the level of importance of precipitation in the growth of the fodder resources. The average values of the ICN observed in the sudanian domain are higher than those of the sudano-sahelian field. The evolution of the index of standardized growth follows the gradient south-north. One notes overall a relation between the pace of ICN and the pluviometric height during every year and especially for period of growth ranging between May at September. The studied fodder herbaceous species develop better when monthly pluviometry oscillates around 20 mm. Monitoring the spatio-temporal dynamics of fodder biomass provided a better account of the annual production of crops and pastures, thus making it possible to implement strategies in the spatial mobility of the cattle herd.
Author Keywords: forage resources, growth Index standardized, cattle breeding, rainy season, Alibori.
Volume 44, Issue 3, January 2025, Pages 799–812
Soufouyane Zakari1
1 Laboratoire de Cartographie, (LaCarto), Université d'Abomey-Calavi, 10 BP 1082, Cotonou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Alibori is by excellence, a pastoral cattle breeding region subjected to many climatic constraints which block the development of the rural world. This article studied the impact of the pluviometric fluctuations on the fodder production in the Department of Alibori. For that purpose, the Maximum Value Composite (MVC) method was used for the image processing Landsat OLI/TIRS of 2013 and 2014. The follow-up of the fodder production is made through the decadal data during rain seasons by the growth index standardized (ICN). The chi-square test was used for to evaluate the correlation between the values of ICN and precipitations. The MaxEnt model made it possible to evaluate the level of importance of precipitation in the growth of the fodder resources. The average values of the ICN observed in the sudanian domain are higher than those of the sudano-sahelian field. The evolution of the index of standardized growth follows the gradient south-north. One notes overall a relation between the pace of ICN and the pluviometric height during every year and especially for period of growth ranging between May at September. The studied fodder herbaceous species develop better when monthly pluviometry oscillates around 20 mm. Monitoring the spatio-temporal dynamics of fodder biomass provided a better account of the annual production of crops and pastures, thus making it possible to implement strategies in the spatial mobility of the cattle herd.
Author Keywords: forage resources, growth Index standardized, cattle breeding, rainy season, Alibori.
Abstract: (french)
L’Alibori est par excellence, une région d’élevage pastoral bovin soumis à de nombreuses contraintes climatiques qui entravent le développement du monde rural. Le présent article a étudié l’impact des fluctuations pluviométriques sur la production fourragère dans le Département de l’Alibori. Pour y parvenir, la méthode de Maximum Value Composite (MVC) a été utilisée pour le traitement des images Landsat OLI/TIRS de 2013 et 2014. Le suivi de la production fourragère est fait à travers les données décadaires au cours des saisons des pluies par l’indice de croissance normalisée (ICN). Le test de Pearson a servi pour évaluer la corrélation entre les valeurs de ICN et les précipitations. Le modèle MaxEnt a permis d’évaluer le niveau d’importance de la précipitation dans la croissance des ressources fourragères. Les valeurs moyennes de l’ICN observées dans le domaine soudanien sont supérieures à celles du domaine soudano-sahélien. L’évolution de l’indice de croissance normalisée suit le gradient sud-nord. On note globalement une relation entre l’allure de l’ICN et la hauteur pluviométrique durant toutes les années et surtout pendant la période de croissance comprise entre mai et septembre. Les espèces herbacées fourragères étudiées se développent mieux lorsque la pluviométrie mensuelle oscille autour de 20 mm. Le suivi de la dynamique spatio-temporelle de la biomasse fourragère a rendu davantage compte de la production annuelle des cultures et des pâturages permettant ainsi de mettre en place des stratégies dans la mobilité spatiale du cheptel bovin.
Author Keywords: biomasse fourragère, indice de croissance normalisée, élevage bovin, saison des pluies, Alibori.
How to Cite this Article
Soufouyane Zakari, “Spatio-temporal dynamics of fodder biomass linked to rainfall fluctuations in the Alibori Department in Benin (West Africa),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 799–812, January 2025.