International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
ISSN: 2028-9324     CODEN: IJIABO     OCLC Number: 828807274     ZDB-ID: 2703985-7
Vendredi 20 Septembre 2024




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Volume 30, Issue 1, Jul. 2020


Front Cover

Ecological risk assessment of heavy metal contamination of six forest soils in China
Author(s): Mbezele Junior Yannick NGABA and Abubakari Said Mgelwa
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Diachronic analysis of spatial consumption linked to urbanization through a supervised classification: Case of the city of Annaba (Algerian North-East)
[ Analyse diachronique de la consommation spatiale liée à l'urbanisation par une classification supervisée: Cas de la ville d'Annaba (Nord-Est Algérien) ]

Author(s): Abderraziq Djakjak, Saddek Guerfia, Rabah ZENNIR, and Saif Eddine DERRADJI
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Coexistence of tourist and industrial activity: Realities and Paradoxes - Case of L'Arbi Ben M'Hidi city (Jeanne d’arc), Skikda in Algerian Northeast
[ Coexistence de l’activité touristique et industrielle: Réalités et paradoxes - Cas d’étude de la cité L’Arbi Ben M’Hidi (ex Jeanne d’Arc), Skikda au Nord-Est Algérien ]

Author(s): Rabah ZENNIR and Saif Eddine DERRADJI
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Contraintes et défis de l’écologie urbaine en République Démocratique du Congo
Author(s): Jean Rufin MUNKUOMO GONZALEZE
RD Congo
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The importance of urban improvement to combat urban degradation in the Algerian city: multiple mechanisms and contrasting roles - The case of the city of Tebessa
[ أهمية التحسين الحضري في معالجة التدهور العمراني بالمدينة الجزائرية: تعدّد الآليات وتباين الأدوار - حالة مدينة تبسة ]

Author(s): Noureddine Toualbia and Saddek Guerfia
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Experimental characterisation of concrete containing different inclusions by electrical methods
[ Caractérisation expérimentale d’un béton contenant des différentes inclusions par les méthodes électriques ]

Author(s): Mohamed Abdelhafid Bouhamla and Ahmed Beroual
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Uses and logic of uses of social networks in Bobo-Dioulasso: The pluralism of expression in Burkina Faso
[ Usages et logiques d’usage des réseaux sociaux dans la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso: Le pluralisme de l’expression au Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Jacques Philippe Nacoulma
Burkina Faso
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The investment policy in Algeria and its impact on economic and social growth for the Algerian city : Case of Oum El Bouaghi city
[ السياسة الاستثمارية في الجزائر و أثرها على النمو الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للمدينة الجزائرية : حالة مدينة أم البواقي ]

Author(s): Toufik Mazouz and Semeh Gzainia
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Determinants of tax revenue: Empirical evidence for Morocco
[ Déterminants des recettes fiscales: Evidences empiriques pour le cas du Maroc ]

Author(s): Radouane JAOUI and Said YOUSSEF
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Embolization of a post-caesarean pseudo-aneurysm of a uterine artery: Case report
[ Embolisation d’un pseudo-anévrisme post césarienne d’une artère utérine: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): Fatima E Hassouni, Hanane Ouhame, Karima Matar, Mounia Yousfi, and Samir Bargach
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Premature rupture of membranes: CRP in predicting maternal-fotal infection
[ La rupture prématurée des membranes : Intérêt de la CRP dans la prédiction de l’infection materno-fœtale ]

Author(s): Fatima E Hassouni, Malika Mguil, Fatima Zahra Belkouchi, Nour Mekaoui, and Sabah AMRANI
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Influence of religious belief on the consubstantiality of social media in the city of Porto-Novo (Benin)
[ Influence du croire religieux par rapport à la consubstantialité des médias sociaux dans la ville de Porto-Novo (Bénin) ]

Author(s): Montcho Rodrigue Sèdjrofidé
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Comparative study of the morphophysiological parameters of adaptation to drought of yam morphotype (Waogo and Nyù) cultivated in Burkina Faso
[ Etude comparative des paramètres morphophysiologiques d’adaptation à la sécheresse de morphotypes d’igname (Waogo et Nyù) cultivés au Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Edmond Dondasse, Adama Pascal Kihindo, Djakaridja Tiama, Badoua BADIEL, and Gérard Zombré
Burkina Faso
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Goldenhar syndrome: A case report
[ Le syndrome de Goldenhar: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): Mariam Erradi, Soukaina Sediki, Ilham Tadmouri, and Moustapha Hida
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A sustainable urban project between the theory of importation and realism of application: Case of an Algerian city
[ المشروع الحضري المستدام بين تنظير الاستيراد وواقعية التطبيق: حالة مدينة جزائرية ]

Author(s): M. A. A. Naimi Khaled and M. C. A. Houmer Soumeya
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The challenges and measures put in place by some international organizations in charge of the management of refugees in the Eastern Region of Cameroon: Case of Gado Badzere refugee camp in Garoua Boulai
Author(s): Vanessa Mbomgbowo Kehdinga and Saha Zacharie
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The role of the visual design of display windows in enhancing sustainable fashion
[ دور التصميم البصرى لنوافـذ العرض التجاريـة فى تعزيـز الموضة المستدامة ]

Author(s): Nancy Abdalla Mohamed Fakhry
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Use of a LANDSAT 8 satellite image for land use mapping in the city of Bondoukou and its surroundings in Côte d'Ivoire
[ Utilisation d’une image satellite LANDSAT 8 pour la cartographie de l’occupation des sols dans la ville de Bondoukou et ses environs en Côte d’Ivoire ]

Author(s): Koffi Avy Stéphane, Attey Roland, and Elhamidi Mohamed Jalal
Côte d’Ivoire
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Petrographic characterization of Campanian sandstones in the Termit basin (Niger): Diagenetic implication on the reservoir quality
Author(s): Neino Abdoulaye Garba, Kouakou Alphonse Yao, Moussa Harouna, and Isaac FEA
Côte d’Ivoire
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Impact of non-distributed energy incidents on the public electrical network of Togo: Case of the Lomé electrical network
[ Impact des incidents sur l’énergie non distribuée survenus sur le réseau électrique public du Togo: Cas du réseau électrique de Lomé ]

Author(s): Comlanvi Adjamagbo, Yao Bokovi, and Adekunlé Akim Salami
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Geotechnical characterization of Ivorian sedimentary basin soils used in road construction
Author(s): Pierre Kouassi and Athanas Konin
Côte d’Ivoire
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Exergy and energy analysis of solar absorption cooling system in hot regions with NH3-H2O and NH3-LiNO3 refrigerant solutions
Author(s): Chougui Mohamed Lamine and Zid Said
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The past, present and future of scalable computing technologies trends and paradigms: A survey
Author(s): Amany Abdelsamea, Salwa M. Nassar, and Hesham Eldeeb
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Access to portable water in spontaneous neighbourhoods in the city of Bafoussam, Cameroon
[ Problématique d’accès à l’eau potable dans les quartiers spontanés de la ville de Bafoussam, Cameroun ]

Author(s): Donfack Nkemzem Tidane Stella, Sa’a Mazoa Pélagie, Anehmbom Ghoutum, Ruth Tua Eni, Aloysious Kohtem Lebga, Ngouanet Chrétien, and Aristide Yemmafouo
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The determinants of innovation in Cameroonian’s agri-food SMEs
[ Les déterminants de l’innovation dans les PME agroalimentaires au Cameroun ]

Author(s): Honoré Tekam Oumbe and Charles Bertin Pilag Kakeu
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Study of the antimicrobial potential of Amaranthus spinosus L. (Amaranthaceae) and Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae), two leafy vegetables from the maritime region of Togo
[ Etude du potentiel antimicrobien d’Amaranthus spinosus L. (Amaranthaceae) et de Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae), deux légumes-feuilles de la région maritime du Togo ]

Author(s): Stephane Effoe, Amégninou Agban, Yao Hoekou, Koku Amégbo Dakey, Iwaba Kpabi, Holaly Efui Gbekley, Passimna Pissang, and Tchadjobo Tchacondo
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Chemical and microbiological characterization of the essential oil of Artemisia mesantlantica domesticated endemic species of Morocco
Author(s): Dounia Hinane, Safaa Oubaha, Fadwa Hama, Driss Hmouni, Badr Satrani, Mohamed Ghanmi, and Brahim Bourkhiss
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The role of intermediaries in the performance of the cassava market in East Cameroon
[ Le rôle des intermédiaires dans la performance du marché de manioc de l’Est-Cameroun ]

Author(s): Julien Brice Minkande
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Diversity and ethnobotanical characteristics of aromatic plants and spices consumed in Central Benin
[ Diversité et caractéristiques ethnobotaniques des plantes aromatiques et épices consommées au Centre du Bénin ]

Author(s): Arlette Adjatin, Akognon Charles, Balogoun Donald, Tossa Crispus, Yedomonhan Hounankpon, and Alexandre Dansi
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Human capital and economic growth: The case of ECOWAS countries
Author(s): Kaoutar Deriouch
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Covid-19: What challenges for internal auditors ?
[ Covid-19: Quels défis pour les auditeurs internes ? ]

Author(s): Sara Bayoud, Nabil Sifouh, and Mohamed Chemlal
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Carcinosarcoma of the ovary: A case report
[ Le carcinosarcome ovarien: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): J. Meddah, C. Mohammadine, F. Tijami, and H. Hachi
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Rupture spontanée des varices utérines au cours de la grossesse: Approche diagnostique et thérapeutique
Author(s): Imane Bendriss, Z. El Mzabri, Mounia El Youssfi, and Samir Bargach
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Carcinosarcome ovarien: A propos d’un cas
Author(s): Imane Bendriss, Z. El Mzabri, Mounia El Youssfi, and Samir Bargach
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The evolution of published scientific research on strategic alliances between 1980-2018: A combined approach
[ L’évolution de la recherche scientifique publiée sur les alliances stratégiques entre 1980-2018: Une approche combinée ]

Author(s): Sara Berka and Hicham Achelhi
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Population movements and the persistence of crises between the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Rwanda
[ Mouvements des populations et persistance des crises entre la République Démocratique du Congo, l’Ouganda et le Rwanda ]

Author(s): Sylvia KAVIRA MUYISA, Ngumbi Kitete Casimir, and Kadony Nguway Kpalaingu
RD Congo
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Atypical locations of fibromyomas (ovarian and large ligament): About two cases
[ Localisations atypiques de fibromyomes (ovaire et ligament large): A propos de deux cas ]

Author(s): F. Abdeddine, J. Meddah, Mounia El Youssfi, S. Amrani, and Samir Bargach
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The twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: About a case
[ Le syndrome Transfuseur Transfusé: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): F. Abdeddine, Fatima Zahra Belkouchi, M. Serroukh, Mounia El Youssfi, and Samir Bargach
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Endometrial osseous metaplasia: Diagnosis and treatment
[ Métaplasie ostéoïde de l’endomètre : Diagnostic et traitement ]

Author(s): F. Abdeddine, N. M. Cherkaoui, R. Watfeh, Mounia El Youssfi, and Samir Bargach
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Water consumption of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on ferralsol in South of Benin: Case of «Jowizo» variety
[ Consommation en eau du gombo (Abelmoschus esculentus) sur sol ferrallitique au Sud du Bénin: Cas de la variété «Jowizo» ]

Author(s): E. L. Sossa, L. O. Sintondji, E. C. Agbangba, W. Zoumarou, K. F. Assogba, A. Mensah, J. O. Ayifimi, S. A. Dossou, and G. L. Amadji
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Public relations as a marketing communications tool: Evidence from selected multinational companies in Ghana
Author(s): Isaac Tandoh
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Characteristics of Dioscorea sp stems. (Dioscoreaceae): Wild igname in gabon
[ Caractéristiques alimentaires des tiges de Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae): Igname sauvage au Gabon ]

Author(s): Alexis Nicaise LEPENGUE, Tanga Tanguy Coch, Ephrem Nzengue, Jean Fabrice YALA, Alain SOUZA, and Bertrand MBATCHI
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Use of Tephrosia vogelii (Fabaceae) in fungal biological control of Phoma sabdariffae (Phomaceae) in Gabon
[ Usage de Tephrosia vogelii (Fabaceae) dans la lutte biologique fongique contre Phoma sabdariffae (Phomaceae) au Gabon ]

Author(s): Alexis Nicaise LEPENGUE, Dhert Souviens Tshi-Tshi ONTOD, Stéphane MOMBO, Aurélien Mokéa-Niaty, Ephrem Nzengue, Davy Ulrich Ikabanga, Jean Fabriceyala, Alain SOUZA, and Bertrand M'BATCHI
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Assessment and degradation of the classified forest of Tchaourou from satellite images in Benin
[ Evaluation et dégradation de la forêt classée de Tchaourou à partir des images satellitaires au Bénin ]

Author(s): Fessale Gatta, Imorou Ouorou Barre Fousseni, and Jean Bosco Vodounou
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Urban policy in Morocco in the face of new human development strategies
[ La politique de la ville au Maroc face aux nouvelles stratégies de développement humain ]

Author(s): Nabil Boucharmou
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Study of the efficacy of screens impregnated with Deltamethrin 55 mg/m2 against residual malaria transmission in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
[ Etude de l’efficacité des écrans imprégnés de Deltaméthrine à 55 mg/m2 contre la transmission résiduelle du paludisme à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire ]

Author(s): Tia Emmanuel, Ble Goh Charles, Gbalegba N. Guy Constant, Ekra Kouassi Armand, and Konan Yao Lucien
Côte d’Ivoire
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Assessing the efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in the MENA banking system: Data Envelopment Analysis DEA investigation
Author(s): Abderrahmane Tahi, Mohammed Djebbouri, and Yassine Benzai
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Effect of mineral fertilizer and chemical seed treatment on downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola Sacc. Schroët.) of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. Br.) in Niger
[ Effet de la fumure minérale et du traitement chimique de semences sur le mildiou (Sclerospora graminicola Sacc. Schroët.) du mil (Pennisetum glaucum L. Br.) au Niger ]

Author(s): Hayyo Halilou, Aboubacar Kadri, and Issa Karimou
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Rice policies in the context of public-private partnership in the City of Kinshasa: A look at the Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project
[ Politiques rizicoles dans le contexte du partenariat public-privé dans la Ville de Kinshasa: Regard sur le Projet d’Intensification Rizicole de Kingabwa ]

Author(s): Didier Oswes A-Mwak
RD Congo
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Ethnicity and identity conflict in Congo-Kinshasa: an analytical look at the explanatory factors of the Ekonda-Eswe conflict
[ Ethnicité et conflit identitaire au Congo-Kinshasa: Regard analytique sur les facteurs explicatifs du conflit Ekonda-Eswe ]

Author(s): Gilbert Etambahele Ohidi
RD Congo
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