Introduction: Velamentous insertion is one of the risk factors for Benckiser haemorrhagy, a several obstetric emergency that threatens the fetal prognosis. Her diagnosis by performing a transvaginal ultrasound with color Doppler is recommended in pregnant women with high risk of vasa previa. A caesarean section of convenience should be scheduled before labors begin when a vasa previa is diagnosed during the prenatal period. Case: a parturient aged 26, gesture 5, par 3, is admitted for labor of delivery on term pregnancy. After an artificial rupture of the water pocket, the amniotic fluid was not tinged with blood, and the delivery proceeded normally. The eutrophic newborn, male, had a good APGAR score. On macroscopic examination of the placenta, which had weighed 500 grams, the umbilical cord of normal length was inserted on the membranes, with no other abnormalities noted. The mother and newborn had evolved well and their stay in the hospital was only 48 hours. Conclusion: Velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord can be observed outside the most frequent risk factors in the literature. However, any placental insertion abnormality should guide the completion of an endovaginal ultrasound to exclude vasa previa in order to take precautions necessary for the prevention of haemorrhagy with poor prognosis for the fetus.