Currently the sign language is used almost exclusively among deaf people or people around them, the use of signs as a communication system is as old in the history of mankind as that of oral languages. Taking this into account, the sign language research project through Kinect sought to have a social and educational impact, where appropriate didactic software for the translation of sign language was developed and applied. For the fulfillment of the objective a software was developed that allowed the translation of sentences in the sign language to audio for the receiver, because the Kinect Version 2 is in charge of detecting the movements of the image that it has in its visual field, to from different segments of the body's joints and a gray scale scheme of the facial gestures, when detected, vectors are generated in the Cartesian plane where the configured three-dimensional images are processed, and also how it translates the sentences heard by the Kinect to images. Deaf people are often denied education, even in sign language as there is a lack of teachers with good training in sign language. Therefore, this will help to have an educational inclusion and offer the opportunity to support and protect your linguistic identity.