The rapid spread of the COVID19 virus surprised most of the world's public health specialists and pushed various countries to adopt palliative measures. These measures ranged from total containment, to the elimination of physical contact between people and the use of ICTs to follow up infected cases. Many IT solutions have been developed everywhere else, if they have been able to provide answers in the countries where they have unfortunately been implemented for Cameroon, they do not seem suitable. Faced with this situation, our article proposes a cartographic management system to respond in the future to different types of infectious diseases, it is therefore based on the “divide and conquer” paradigm and the concepts of cartography to guarantee effective management of disease. A system that takes into account the specifics of Cameroon's response to Covid-19. This system is built in an environment integrating the use of mobile techniques, in particular Bluetooth technologies and mobile geographic information systems, in order to allow the monitoring of patients and the traceability of the evolution of the disease; this platform also offers a framework for consultation between patients and medical specialists for the sharing of experience in order to limit the spread of the virus present.