Laboratoire de Biotechnologie Microbienne, UFR Amélioration et Transformation Microbienne et Végétale, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Tofaïl, BP 133, 14000 Kénitra, Morocco
Margine, effluents from olive oil extraction, pose serious pollution problems due to their high concentration of organic matter and Polyphenols, often discharged into river waters and thus represent a significant pollution load, consider as a source of concern for the region.In our study, we were interested in looking for treatment techniques to reduce the harmful effect of vegetable water, and the different areas that can benefit from the recovery of these effluents. The use of the two-phase system or that of improving the three-phase system by installing a pretreatment system (physicochemical and biological) in the oil mills, remain among the most suitable solutions to be applied in our region, the exploitation of our recommendations remains a little limited unfortunately, and this is mainly due to economic constraints.