In December 2019 an infection with a new virus called SARS-COV2 emerged the Wuhan area in China and took the name of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). This disease has spread globally to the point of being called a pandemic by the WHO. Although mainly respiratory in nature, COVID-19 seems to trigger an intense inflammatory response, with a multi-systemic impact including the cardiovascular system. In this work, we propose to synthesize and analyze data from the literature to determine the usefulness of troponin measurement in patients with COVID-19. Cardiac troponin is a laboratory parameter and its measurement is relevant in the management of Covid-19 given the frequency of associated cardiovascular lesions. Several observational studies have shown that patients with Covid-19 have significant elevation of troponin levels up to 59%; however, increased troponin levels are considered predictive of mortality.
Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive genetic metabolic disorder due to an inherited disorder of metabolism, resulting from glucocerebrosidase deficiency, resulting in the deposition of glucocerebroside and its components. The clinical symptoms are different depending on the type of the disease, but it is usually hepatosplenomegaly or damage to the central nervous system.Laboratory diagnosis can use routine analyzes such as ferritin, HDL, vitamin b12, folate, serum iron, but also specialized ones such as serum protein electrophoresis as well as immunofixation for the typing of immunoglobulins.Through this work, we will shed light on the interest of serum protein electrophoresis in the biological orientation of the biology diagnosis of Gaucher disease, and this through case illustrations.Confirmatory laboratory diagnosis is based on DNA analysis and / or enzymatic analysis of white blood cells, and by demonstrating a decrease in β-glucosidase activity...