The geological formations of P425 consist largely of sedimentary rocks represented by carbonate and sandstone formations as well as metamorphic ones by shales as well as magmatic intrusions represented by dolerites and covered by some recent alluvium. The regional tectonics that have affected this sector to promote the deformations of these rocks by giving brittle, linear and planar microstructures that attest to the compressive phases that this terrain has experienced, confirmed even in the study of the stresses by WIN TENSOR. The preferred orientation of the stratification planes is NW-ESE (N100°-110°E) and those of the planar elements NW-SE (N120°-140°E) and NW-SSE (N140°-160°E) would justify the existence of a vast contemporary regional folding due to the intrusion of magmatic formations in the region. For linear elements; the statistical study made from the measurements taken showed a single preferential direction NW-ESE (N100°-110°E). The structural analysis of the conjugated fractures encountered in our field of study shows that these joints are largely the result of a compression resulting from the stresses σ2 whose value of the direction is N29 ° E / 8 ° SE.