This article is a contribution to the geochemical characterization of carbonate rocks of the bushimay supergroup in the Lukelenge area. The samples were analyzed by the atomic absorption spectroscopy method and the results are presented in the form of curves and tables. The interpretation makes it possible to specify the usefulness of these rocks in civil engineering works. We present the results of a study that first addresses the cartographic aspect of the geological formations in this sector as well as new geochemical analysis data concerning the major elements. The geological map of the study area will also be presented. The cartographic study of the Lukelenge sector has made it possible to identify three lithological facies which are limestone, dolomitic limestones, dolerite and arkosic sandstones. The geochemical study based on major elements revealed the following average contents: CaO: 46.42%, MgO: 2.51%; Al2O3: 2.20%; SiO2: 8.85% and Fe2O3: 1.05%. This shows qualitatively the importance of the use of these rocks in cement but also in civil engineering works.