Laboratoire de Didactique des Disciplines (LDD), Institut National de la Jeunesse, de l’Education Physique et du Sport (INJEPS), Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
This study of didactic obedience compared the practices of three PE teachers intervening in the first session of the second learning situation in third grade with reference to the official prescriptions in the matter. It took place at CEG Goho and CEG Avogbanan in the center and then at CEG Banikanni in northern Benin. The theoretical grounding is inspired by the anthropological theory of didactics (Paun, 2006; Perrenoud, 1998; Chevallard, 1992), the model of evaluative practices (Grenier and Beaudoin, 2012) and the concepts mobilized by comparatists (Mercier, Schubauer- Leonie, Sensevy, 2002). The study of documents, the audio-visual recording of three sessions, the pre-session interview and the post-session interview are the techniques used with reference to the triangulation of Amade-Escot and Leutenegger (2013), Leutenegger (2009; 2003), Amade-Escot (2003) inspired by Van Der Maren (1996). The analyzed and discussed results make it possible to affirm that elements of genericity and specificity emerge from the implementation or not of the initial situation, the progress of the diagnostic evaluation and the implementation of the six stages planned for the first session of a learning situation. The teachers’ reports to the official prescriptions and to the APS help to explain this situation.