Located in the west of Côte d’Ivoire in the department of Facobly, the Guezon area was unknown from an ornithological point of view before the present study. This work was carried out from April 2022 to May 2022 in order to contribute to a better knowledge (diversity and abundance) of the avifauna in this area. The methods of fixed listening and/or observation points, capture and recapture with mist nets, Call-playback and time-limited counts on linear transects with five-minute stopping points at each station, were used in the different habitats of the area. In total, this locality contains 12.685 individuals of 161 bird species divided into 47 families of 16 orders. Bycanistes cylindricus, classified as Vulnerable (VU), is the only globally protected species found in the area. In addition, it hosts six restricted-range species and three species (Batis senegalensis, Apalis sharpii and Hylopsar cupreocauda) endemic to West Africa. There are also 18 species from the Guinean-Congolese forest biome (GC) and five species from the Sudano-Guinean savannah biome (SG). The resident species are the most diverse with 83.85% of the overall population in the study area. In terms of preferred habitats, generalist forest species (F) are the best represented with 60.87% (N = 98) of the species richness of this area. Ploceus cucullatus, Spermestes cucullatus, Egretta intermedia and Bubulcus ibis are the most dominant with 471; 340; 327 and 316 individuals respectively.