In this study, ten BRRI released rice germplasms were used for the purpose of genetic variation and relatedness for BLB resistance in BRRI rice using RAPD markers. Out of ten decamer primers, four were selected finally for a marker-assisted selection program. The primer OPAB02 produced maximum number of bands (10) and showed 60% polymorphic loci. The highest and lowest percentage of polymorphic loci produced by primers S1027 (66.67%) and OPA02 (25%) respectively. In this study the percentage of polymorphic loci was 55.17%. The UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distance between different pairs was correlated with their banding pattern. The dendrogram segregated ten germplasms of rice into two main clusters; the main clusters are further divided into sub clusters. BR 10, BR 14, BR 16, BR 26, BRRIdhan29, BRRIdhan32, BRRIdhan33, BRRIdhan34 and BRRIdhan38 formed cluster I whereas BRRIdhan31 comprised the cluster II. In cluster I BR10, BR 14, BR 16, BR 26, BRRIdhan32, BRRIdhan33, BRRIdhan34 BRRIdhan38 formed sub-cluster I and BRRIdhan 29 formed sub- cluster II. Sub-cluster I further divided into two sub-sub clusters based on similar banding pattern and minimum genetic distance. BR14 and BRRIdhan 32 had same banding pattern and lower genetic distance so were in same cluster. BR10, BR16, BRRIdhan33 and BRRIdhan34 were placed in same group due to their banding similarity, intergermplasm similarity and low genetic distance. Thus, RAPD perform a potentially simple, rapid and reliable method to evaluate genetic diversity and molecular characterization as well.