Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay was conducted for molecular genetic analysis of six cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp germplasms) i.e. BARI Cowpea, BARI Felon-1, Ranirhat, Ruma, BF06001 and BF060011, to observed genetic variability and relatedness among them. Out of 15 decamer random primers, three were used to amplify genomic DNA and the primers yielded a total of 20 RAPD markers of which 11 were considered as polymorphic. The maximum number of bands (9) (25%) produced by the primer S1184, whereas the least number of bands (5) (15%) was generated by the primer OPA10. The average scorable and polymorphic bands produced by the three primers were 6.67, and 3.67, respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 55. The UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei's (1972) genetic distance between different pairs were correlated with their sources of origin. The dendrogram indicated segregation of six germplasms of cowpea into two main clusters; the main clusters are further divided into sub clusters. In sub cluster I, BARI Cowpwa-1, Ranirhat and Ruma formed sub sub-cluster I; BARI Felon-1 formed alone sub sub-cluster II. Again, sub sub-cluster I; Ruma formed alone cluster and BARI Cowpea-1 and Ranirhat formed sub sub-cluster III.