Mulungu Research Station, Institut National d'Etude et de Recherche Agronomiques, INERA, P.O. Box 2037 Kinshasa 1, Av. de Cliniques, Kinshasa-Gombe, Bukavu, Sud Kivu, RD Congo
The study unrolled in South Kivu province situated in the East of DRC, in the North part of Kabare territory, respectively on-farm PABU/Katana and on-station INERA/Mulungu. This study aims to identify among the performing varieties the ones which better fit and witch have the high potentially seeds yields and stables in these sites. The comparative adaptation trials have been lead according to the layout in randomized completed block design with three replications and the results analysis was done by using software Statistix 8 and Genstat. The results (at0.05) show that eight varieties got global medium yields significantly over the check VCB81013 (1454kg/ha) in the two sites during the four farming seasons 2015-16AB. It concerns the varieties NUV234-3-1(1932,5 kg/ha), NUV108-3-1(1764,5), NUV108-3-2 (1578,5), NUV119-3 (1506), NUV234-3-2 (1719,5), NUV15-1 (1711), NUV15-2 (1620) and NUV131-1 (1598,5). These varieties have given the best yields exceeding 1500kg/ha with 132,8 à 103,5% upper to the check. As regards to varieties sensibility, the results of the global statistical analysis showed a resistant reaction of the majority of all varieties to the main diseases (1 to 3), at the standard scale of diseases evaluation (1 to 9) regard to CIAT.