This retrospective study has been conducted to 831 sick children during the measles epidemic period in 2012, with the objective of contribution on health improvement of children under malnutrition using the information related to their exposition to measles, by the determination of proportion of children with pointed malnutrition and who developed measles. Around 513 or 61,7% of children admitted to the hospital had high-pitched severe malnutrition , within then 2,5% had measles, However 8,2% on the 318 remained children without high-pitched severe malnutrition at the admission, had also the measles. We had observed the contamination rate at 9% on children without high-pitched malnutrition. This contamination remained the same though the vaccination statute on children with high-pitched malnutrition. We then observe that high-pitched malnutrition accelerate vulnerability to children to the contamination by measles.