Floral morphology of the date palm was studied to complement the knowledge of its floral structure and trace the evolution of single carpel fruit. This results in the morphological transformation of the ovary, consisting of three carpels, mortification style, and the degeneration of the twin carpels. The morpho-histological changes are monitored before and after pollination. The three carpels have very specific positions relative to the petals. Carpel two twin white and of the same size are carried by the same petal. They are different from the third carpel worn only by the 3rd petal. Development continues, the size of the third carpel becomes larger than twins carpel. After pollination, the white color of the carpel first turns green. Dissection carpel, exposing the eggs, let’s see that the three eggs are colored pink, but one is more colorful than the other two. Only the carpel containing a strongly colored egg develops into fruit. The other two degenerate by a deposit of polyphenols. A histological study has tracked the decline twins carpel and training the embryo sac of the third carpel. These studies show the change in color of the egg from the translucent natural state to a pink coloring corresponds to the increase in the mitotic intensity nucellar cells. The change from pink to white of the fertilized ovum after formed the embryo sac becomes a seed.