Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Kananga (ISTM / Kga), sections Gestion des intuitions de santé et sciences Infirmières, Kananga, Kasaï Central, RD Congo
The problem related to collective and management of waste in Kananga town is a concern of the moment, especially as the environmental security is one of seventeen objectives of the lasting development on the horizon 2030. Nowadays, waste (craps) is an indicator of the human existence which degrades the environment if some precautions are not taken. More than 600000 tons of wastes are wildly evacuated, and the way they are managed constitutes a danger affecting our ecosystem.
This publication aims at informing, alerting and making the scientific world in general and the population of Kasaï in particular aware of their responsibilities in terms of precautions to be taken in order to manage waste which faces the climatic change and damage the environment of Kananga town. This approach aims at awakening the population to adopt the code of environment so as to promote good conditions of life on the earth.
Thus, we propose the government to create a special and well-equipped service in charge of collecting, evacuating and destroying waste. Burying is the only method used to destroy dirt and rubbishes in Kananga.
Therefore, considering waste as a matter and managing it safely may reduce possible damage it will cause on the environment. In Kananga town, however, there exists a center in charge of treating waste located at TUBULUKU, unfortunately in remains non-operational.