This work on the impact of pollution of Lake Kivu waters on its biodiversity by considering the section of the Independence Square - Kazingo Bukavu led us to make a finding on the decrease in the quantity and quality of fish, as a consequence direct pollution of Lake waters with negative impact on its biodiversity. This pollution of Lake Kivu by streams and rivers results from industry and household waste. Industrial waste is channeled there and households use streams and rivers as a dump. The waters of the Kawa River that cross the entire Greater Kadutu Commune from the West to the East are highly polluted and are of no use without serious treatment beforehand. The most polluted points are downstream of industrial wastewater discharges and all along rivers and streams where all forms of spilled waste end up in Lake Kivu. This water pollution causes olfactory nuisance on a large part of the population who complains of water-related diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, etc. People settled in the bed of rivers and streams are well aware of floods by the waters that return to their natural bed in the rainy season. These floods are indeed true sources of contaminations because of their high level of pollution. The creation of an Integrated Watershed Management Committee and the construction of a waste treatment plant bringing together all the watershed stakeholders around a table for information and awareness raising for change in behavior, could reduce the flow of waste dumped in Lake Kivu.