Several mineralizations types are associated with ophiolite of Bou Azzer (i) in transition area the nickel mineralization are scattered (ii) podiform chromite deposits and associated PGE (iii) gold and palladium mineralization of Bleida Far West cashed by basic rocks of cumulates (vi) hydrothermal stockworks mineralizations of cobalt, nickel, arsenic and gold of Bou Azzer. The genesis of those mineralizations is result of both hydrothermal and tectono-magmatic processes.The results show that a primary paragenesis of magmatic origin with pentlandite, chromospinelle, and cobaltiferous and nickeliferous magnetite has been highlighted in Ambed massive where the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks is partial, and it is probably associated with Fe sulphides. However, the mineralogical assemblages identified in Aghbar and Bou Azzer East massive where serpentinization is total are composed on secondary minerals of polydymite cobaltiferous, millerite cobaltiferous, orcelite and magnetite cobalti-nickeleferous. These mineralizations could come during serpentinization from mutation of a primary mineral pargenesis formed on olivine and pentlandite+pyrrhotite aggregates. For chromite mineralization, the Scanning Electron Microscope observations show a textural relationship between serpentine minerals and chromite crystals which reflect a precocious serpentinization setting on same time of chromite pods. The genesis of cobaltiferous hydrothermal mineralizations is basically related to the serpentinization process. In tectonical term, serpentinization modify serpentine plasticity and provide doming phenomenon and has important contribution on genesis and structural context of Bou Azzer mineralized corps. In chemical level, serpentinization control the mobility of nickel and cobalt exist in primary ultramafic minerals which marked in arsenides, sulfides and iron oxides.