[ Usages des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et digitalisation de l’administration judiciaire au Togo: Etude de cas du tribunal de Kara ]
Adjeta Essossinam1 and Laptoro Achagnime2
1 Université de Kara, Togo
2 Université de Kara, Togo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Information and communication technologies (ICT), as a means of disseminating and transmitting information, have conquered the whole world through their role and function within society. The aim of this research is to describe the role of ICT in the modernization of the justice system. Achieving this objective by combining a mixed methodology, through a triangulation of methods and tools with 99 Internet users, has enabled us to show that ICT has had a positive effect on digitization, as these tools have been used to disseminate information and speed up case processing. From these results, we can see that ICTs have made advances in the functioning of the justice system, even if others perceive it as complicated because it’s not adapted to their reality. But we can say that innovation was a fundamental reality to save justice from its ills.
Author Keywords: judicial administration, digitalization, modernization, ICT, Togo.
Adjeta Essossinam1 and Laptoro Achagnime2
1 Université de Kara, Togo
2 Université de Kara, Togo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Information and communication technologies (ICT), as a means of disseminating and transmitting information, have conquered the whole world through their role and function within society. The aim of this research is to describe the role of ICT in the modernization of the justice system. Achieving this objective by combining a mixed methodology, through a triangulation of methods and tools with 99 Internet users, has enabled us to show that ICT has had a positive effect on digitization, as these tools have been used to disseminate information and speed up case processing. From these results, we can see that ICTs have made advances in the functioning of the justice system, even if others perceive it as complicated because it’s not adapted to their reality. But we can say that innovation was a fundamental reality to save justice from its ills.
Author Keywords: judicial administration, digitalization, modernization, ICT, Togo.
Abstract: (french)
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) comme moteur de diffusion et de transmission de l’information ont conquis tout le monde entier à travers les diverses fonctions qu’elles remplissent au sein de la société. La présente recherche a pour objectif de décrire le rôle des TIC dans la modernisation de la justice. L’atteinte de cet objectif à combiner une méthodologie mixte, à travers une triangulation de méthodes et d’outils auprès de 99 enquêtés nous a permis de montrer que les TIC ont eu un effet positif dans la digitalisation, ces outils ont été utilisés pour diffuser les informations et une célérité dans le traitement des dossiers. De ces résultats, il faut retenir que les TIC ont eu des avancées dans le fonctionnement de la justice. Quand bien même que d’autres la perçoivent comme compliqué parce qu’elles ne sont pas adaptées à leur réalité, nous disons quand même que l’innovation était une réalité fondamentale pour sauver la justice de ses maux.
Author Keywords: administration judiciaire, digitalisation, modernisation, TIC, Togo.