Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2013, Pages 497–501

Rajasree Hazra1, Chandan Kumar Ghosh2, and S.K. Parui3
1 Dr.B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
2 Dr.B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
3 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU), Shibpur, Howrah-711103, India
Original language: English
Copyright © 2013 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A P-shaped wearable antenna is proposed for the application of ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band at frequency 2.45 GHz. This proposed antenna is studied using different numerical techniques. Those techniques are Method of Moment (MoM) and Finite Element Method (FEM). This proposed structure is a high directive gain, low-cost, low weight base station antenna. The characteristic analysis such as return loss (RL), VSWR and radiation pattern of this antenna has been investigated numerically. Numerical study has been carried out by using Ansoft HFSS V13 simulating software.
Author Keywords: Patch antenna, ISM band, Return loss, VSWR, Radiation Pattern.

Rajasree Hazra1, Chandan Kumar Ghosh2, and S.K. Parui3
1 Dr.B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
2 Dr.B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
3 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU), Shibpur, Howrah-711103, India
Original language: English
Copyright © 2013 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A P-shaped wearable antenna is proposed for the application of ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band at frequency 2.45 GHz. This proposed antenna is studied using different numerical techniques. Those techniques are Method of Moment (MoM) and Finite Element Method (FEM). This proposed structure is a high directive gain, low-cost, low weight base station antenna. The characteristic analysis such as return loss (RL), VSWR and radiation pattern of this antenna has been investigated numerically. Numerical study has been carried out by using Ansoft HFSS V13 simulating software.
Author Keywords: Patch antenna, ISM band, Return loss, VSWR, Radiation Pattern.
How to Cite this Article
Rajasree Hazra, Chandan Kumar Ghosh, and S.K. Parui, “P-shaped Wearable Antenna for ISM band at 2.45 GHz,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 497–501, November 2013.