International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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School Feeding Program in Ghana: Factors Affecting Academic Performance among Public Primary School Pupils in Garu-Tempane District

Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 632–640

 School Feeding Program in Ghana: Factors Affecting Academic Performance among Public Primary School Pupils in Garu-Tempane District

Musah BUKARI1, Imoro Pars Naaba HAJARA2, and Abayomi OLORUNTOBA3

1 Department of Industrial Arts, Tamale Polytechnic, Box 3 E/R, Tamale, Ghana
2 Department of Marketing and Research, M-bukCONCEPTS Box 320 E/R, Tamale, Ghana
3 Department of Agricultural Extension, Rural Development and Gender Studies, University for Development Studies, Box TL 1882, Nyankpala campus, Tamale, Ghana

Original language: English

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The study used a district-level data from 2008-2012 to examine socio-economic factors affecting academic performance of pupils in food insecure district of Garu-Tempane, Upper East Region. The study explored the possible correlation between selected factors like age (years), type of marriage, religion, number of dependent, type of residence/domicile, type of dwelling, occupation and highest qualification of parent/guardian as independent variables and academic performance as dependent variable. A quasi-experimental design was used in selecting 360 pupils both from participating and non-participating public primary schools with similar socio-economic characteristics in Garu-Tempane District. The study revealed a causal link between school feeding program and academic performance as the participating schools' pupils had an improved academic performance. Again, Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficients for socio-economic variables and academic performance results showed positive significant correlations (p<0.05) with type of marriage, (r=0.69), number of dependent, (r=0.193) and type of residence/domicile, (r=0.188). The study therefore recommended that the school feeding programs' sustainability should be well-targeted not only on the basis of food insecurity but through a more rigorous in-depth socio-economic survey and vulnerability mapping with a view to scaling-up of the program in food deficit areas to incorporate more schools.

Author Keywords: Socio-economic Factors, Academic Performance, School Feeding Program, Ghana.

How to Cite this Article

Musah BUKARI, Imoro Pars Naaba HAJARA, and Abayomi OLORUNTOBA, “School Feeding Program in Ghana: Factors Affecting Academic Performance among Public Primary School Pupils in Garu-Tempane District,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 632–640, February 2015.