[ Application des méthodes d’analyses statistiques multivariées à l’étude de l’altération supergène dans le gisement aurifère d’Iourirne (Boutonnière de Tagragra d’Akka, Anti-Atlas occidental, Maroc) ]
Volume 20, Issue 4, July 2017, Pages 1057–1067

Mohamed Benbrahim1, Mohamed AISSA2, Moulay Lahsen MAHDOUDI3, and Mohamed ZOUHAIR4
1 Team: Didactics of Geology, Regional Centre for the Education and training, Inezgane, Morocco
2 Department of geology, Laboratory of studies of mineral and energy, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of science, Meknes, Morocco
3 Department of geology, Laboratory of studies of mineral and energy, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of science, Meknes, Morocco
4 Groupe Managem, Twin Center, A BP5199, Casablanca, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Iourirne gold deposit is located in Tagragra of Akka inlier, 260 km to the southeast of Agadir, (Western Anti-Atlas). The gold mineralization occurs in quartz veins associated with shear zones occurring in East-West direction and cut across the Early forming process of Neoproterozoic formations. This study aims to characterize supergene alteration characterization of Iourirne gold mineralization, by macroscopic, microscopic observations, chemical analysis of major elements, analysis of the correlation matrix and analysis in Principal Components (PCA). The main results are as follows: - The mobility of a number of chemical elements such as Ti, Fe, P, Ca, Mg, Mn. - The development of Hematitization phenomenon of supergene origin. - The abundance of metallic minerals such as magnetite, hematite, covellite, malachite, azurite and sphalerite… - The oxidation of sulphides including arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite…
Author Keywords: Supergene alteration, Gold bearing quartz, Iourirne, Anti-Atlas.
Volume 20, Issue 4, July 2017, Pages 1057–1067

Mohamed Benbrahim1, Mohamed AISSA2, Moulay Lahsen MAHDOUDI3, and Mohamed ZOUHAIR4
1 Team: Didactics of Geology, Regional Centre for the Education and training, Inezgane, Morocco
2 Department of geology, Laboratory of studies of mineral and energy, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of science, Meknes, Morocco
3 Department of geology, Laboratory of studies of mineral and energy, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of science, Meknes, Morocco
4 Groupe Managem, Twin Center, A BP5199, Casablanca, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Iourirne gold deposit is located in Tagragra of Akka inlier, 260 km to the southeast of Agadir, (Western Anti-Atlas). The gold mineralization occurs in quartz veins associated with shear zones occurring in East-West direction and cut across the Early forming process of Neoproterozoic formations. This study aims to characterize supergene alteration characterization of Iourirne gold mineralization, by macroscopic, microscopic observations, chemical analysis of major elements, analysis of the correlation matrix and analysis in Principal Components (PCA). The main results are as follows: - The mobility of a number of chemical elements such as Ti, Fe, P, Ca, Mg, Mn. - The development of Hematitization phenomenon of supergene origin. - The abundance of metallic minerals such as magnetite, hematite, covellite, malachite, azurite and sphalerite… - The oxidation of sulphides including arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite…
Author Keywords: Supergene alteration, Gold bearing quartz, Iourirne, Anti-Atlas.
Abstract: (french)
Le gisement aurifère d’Iourirne est situé à 260 km au Sud-Est d’Agadir, dans la boutonnière du Tagragra d'Akka (Anti-Atlas occidental). La minéralisation aurifère se présente dans des filons quartzeux à texture bréchique, associés à des zones de cisaillement de direction E-W et recoupant les formations du protérozoïque inférieur. Cette étude a pour but la caractérisation de l’altération supergène des filons aurifères d’Iourirne, par les observations macroscopiques, microscopiques, les analyses chimiques des éléments majeurs, l’analyse de la matrice de corrélation et l’analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP). Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : - La mobilité d’un certain nombre d’élément chimique tels que Ti, Fe, P, Ca, Mg, Mn. - Le développement de phénomène d’hématitisation d’origine supergène. - L’abondance des minéraux métalliques tel que la magnétite, l’hématite, la covellite, la malachite, l’azurite, la sphalérite… - L’oxydation importante des sulfures notamment l’arsénopyrite, la pyrite, la chalcopyrite...
Author Keywords: Altération supergène, Quartz aurifère, Iourirne, Anti-Atlas.
How to Cite this Article
Mohamed Benbrahim, Mohamed AISSA, Moulay Lahsen MAHDOUDI, and Mohamed ZOUHAIR, “Application of multivariate statistical analysis methods to the study of supergene alteration in the gold deposit of Iourirne (Tagragra of Akka inlier, western Anti-Atlas, Morocco),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1057–1067, July 2017.