Volume 24, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 1053–1061
1 Professeur associé, Département de droit économique et social, Faculté de Droit, Université de Lubumbashi, BP 1825, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This research demonstrates the opposite of the theory of protectionism in international trade as applied by the Democratic Republic of Congo, which aims in itself the protection of domestic production against foreign competition. When tariff barriers are used as a means of protection, the tariff being a tax, it generates income and most of the least developed African countries, one-third of their tax revenue comes from international trade. But these tariff barriers are justified only in the interest of protecting domestic production against foreign competition. If ever a domestic product would not compete with a foreign like product, there is no reason to apply tariff barriers. This is not the case for the Democratic Republic of Congo, where all foreign products in competition or not with domestic products are hit by import taxes for the sole purpose of maximizing revenue. This situation puts all the weight on the poor consumer who has to pay up to three taxes to buy a basic necessity not produced by the country. We must therefore stop the contrary application of the theory that generates revenues from imports necessary for the survival of the consumer and which sustains the finances of the state on the misery of the population.
Author Keywords: Protection, Free Trade, RD Congo, international trade law, tariff barrier, non-tariff barrier, tariffs.
Volume 24, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 1053–1061
1 Professeur associé, Département de droit économique et social, Faculté de Droit, Université de Lubumbashi, BP 1825, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This research demonstrates the opposite of the theory of protectionism in international trade as applied by the Democratic Republic of Congo, which aims in itself the protection of domestic production against foreign competition. When tariff barriers are used as a means of protection, the tariff being a tax, it generates income and most of the least developed African countries, one-third of their tax revenue comes from international trade. But these tariff barriers are justified only in the interest of protecting domestic production against foreign competition. If ever a domestic product would not compete with a foreign like product, there is no reason to apply tariff barriers. This is not the case for the Democratic Republic of Congo, where all foreign products in competition or not with domestic products are hit by import taxes for the sole purpose of maximizing revenue. This situation puts all the weight on the poor consumer who has to pay up to three taxes to buy a basic necessity not produced by the country. We must therefore stop the contrary application of the theory that generates revenues from imports necessary for the survival of the consumer and which sustains the finances of the state on the misery of the population.
Author Keywords: Protection, Free Trade, RD Congo, international trade law, tariff barrier, non-tariff barrier, tariffs.
Abstract: (french)
Cette recherche démontre le sens inverse de la théorie du protectionnisme en matière du commerce international telle qu’appliquée par la République Démocratique du Congo, qui vise en soit la protection de la production nationale contre la concurrence étrangère. Lorsqu’on utilise les barrières tarifaires comme moyen de protection, le tarif étant une taxe, il engendre un revenu et la plupart des pays africains les moins développés, un tiers de leurs recettes fiscales provient du commerce international. Mais ces barrières tarifaires ne trouvent leurs justifications que dans le souci de la protection de la production nationale contre la concurrence étrangère. Si jamais un produit national ne se trouvait pas en concurrence avec un produit similaire étranger, il n’y aurait pas des raisons d’appliquer en premier lieu les barrières tarifaires. Ce qui n’est pas le cas pour la République Démocratique du Congo, où tous les produits étrangers en concurrence ou non avec les produits nationaux sont frappés par des taxes à l’importation dans l’unique but de maximisation de recette. Cette situation fait que tout le poids est mis sur le pauvre consommateur qui doit payer jusqu’à trois taxes pour se procurer un bien de première nécessité non fabriqué en République Démocratique du Congo. Il faut donc cesser l’application contraire de la théorie qui génère des recettes provenant des importations nécessaires à la survie du consommateur et qui fait asseoir les finances de l’Etat sur la misère de la population.
Author Keywords: Protection, libre-échange, RD Congo, droit commercial international, barrière tarifaire, barrière non tarifaire, droits de douane.
How to Cite this Article
NGOY NDJIBU Laurent, “THE THEORY OF PROTECTIONISM IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE : A REVERSE SENSE IN THE DR CONGO,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1053–1061, October 2018.