Volume 24, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 813–823

1 Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
One of tools that use governments to reach the objective of the population well-being stays the expenses that they hire in the different country socioeconomic sectors. To reach it, in a side, the governments must mobilize the necessary returns to finance these expenses. In other side, they must encourage the foreign direct investments in the goal to increase the internal productivity. The aim of this paper is to value in what measure the foreign direct investments are sensitive to the tax system. We used decomposition method and error correction method in panel data to reach this aim. The results show that in all countries except Niger, the tax system causes in Granger sense the FDI. It shows that these countries understood that to attract FDI, best is to apply a fiscal politicy that encourages foreign investments. Tax system influences the fluctuations of the FDI negatively. Increase 1% in tax rate, the FDI decrease 0,48% in long term and 0,61% short-term. This result shows that the variation of FDI for these countries is very sensitive to the tax system.
Author Keywords: Fiscal politicy, foreign direct investments, causality, error correction model.

1 Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
One of tools that use governments to reach the objective of the population well-being stays the expenses that they hire in the different country socioeconomic sectors. To reach it, in a side, the governments must mobilize the necessary returns to finance these expenses. In other side, they must encourage the foreign direct investments in the goal to increase the internal productivity. The aim of this paper is to value in what measure the foreign direct investments are sensitive to the tax system. We used decomposition method and error correction method in panel data to reach this aim. The results show that in all countries except Niger, the tax system causes in Granger sense the FDI. It shows that these countries understood that to attract FDI, best is to apply a fiscal politicy that encourages foreign investments. Tax system influences the fluctuations of the FDI negatively. Increase 1% in tax rate, the FDI decrease 0,48% in long term and 0,61% short-term. This result shows that the variation of FDI for these countries is very sensitive to the tax system.
Author Keywords: Fiscal politicy, foreign direct investments, causality, error correction model.
Abstract: (french)
L’un des outils que les gouvernements utilisent pour atteindre l’objectif du bien-être de la population demeure les dépenses qu’ils engagent dans les différents secteurs socio-économiques du pays. Pour y parvenir, d’un côté, les gouvernements doivent mobiliser les recettes nécessaires pour financer ces dépenses. De l’autre côté, ils doivent encourager les investissements directs étrangers dans le but d’accroître la productivité interne. L’objet de ce papier est d’évaluer dans quelle mesure les investissements directs étrangers sont sensibles à la fiscalité. Pour y arriver, nous avons fait recours à la méthode de décomposition et à la méthode de correction d’erreur en panel. Les résultats obtenus montrent que dans tous les pays sauf le Niger, la fiscalité cause au sens de Granger les IDE. Cela montre que ces pays ont compris que pour attirer les IDE, le mieux est d’appliquer une politique fiscale qui favorise les investissements étrangers. La fiscalité influence négativement les fluctuations des IDE. A chaque augmentation de 1% de taux d’imposition, les IDE diminuent de 0,48% en long terme et de 0,61% à court terme. Ce résultat montre que la variation des IDE pour ces pays est très sensible à la fiscalité.
Author Keywords: Politique fiscale, investissements directs étrangers, causalité, modèle de correction d'erreur.
How to Cite this Article
MARCEL SENGA PESSE, “POLITIQUE FISCALE ET ATTRACTIVITE DES INVESTISSEMENTS DIRECTS ETRANGERS EN AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 813–823, September 2018.