At present, vegetatively propagated crops are susceptible to virus infection, and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is no exception to this generalization. It is in this context that the major concern in Africa has turned to the virus that induces African mosaic. Indeed, African Cassava Mosaic is a major constraint to cassava production due to its implications in dramatically increasing yield losses. In the perspective of setting up strategies to fight against this pandemic, the objective of this research is to study the influence of cropping systems on the degree of susceptibility of Cassava to African Mosaic (MAM) in the locality of Kivira. To achieve this objective, 90 fields were chosen randomly and this because of 30 monoculture fields based on cassava, 30 fields based on cropping associations and 30 fields where cassava is integrated with trees of species forests. The incidence, severity and Symptom Severity Index (SGI) of African Cassava Mosaic were observed in each field. In total, 7820 cassava plants (Manihot esculenta Crantz) were evaluated on all the fields studied. At the end of this study, the results show a very highly significant difference in the number of diseased plants, the incidence and the severity of MAM depending on the cropping systems and cultivars (p-value < 0.05). In the monoculture, we observe a high number of diseased plants with an average of 7.8 plants against 3.9 plants for the association and 2 for the agroforests. The average incidence of African cassava mosaic is 39.52% in monoculture, 22.36% in crop associations and 12.10% in agroforestry systems. The severity values are respectively 20.79% for monoculture, 10.4% for association and 5.73% for agroforestry systems. In view of the results of this study, the extension as well as the adoption by farmers of approaches based on agroforestry can constitute an important pillar for the diversification of production while reducing the effects of African mosaic on cassava cultivation in tropical Africa.
Faced with the current trend of rising food insecurity and chronic diseases in urban areas, the adoption by farmers of plants with nutritional and medicinal properties in urban agriculture becomes one of the solutions to this challenge. Currently, chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is one of the crops attracting attention because of its nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic properties. Thus, this study pursues a double objective, namely to study the perceptions of farmers in City of Butembo on this crop and to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of logistic regression. Binary and multinomial logistic regression models were constructed based on data collected from a simple random sample of 120 farmers. This study shows that for a farmer, the knowledge of the chia plant, the consumption of the seeds, the knowledge of the nutritional and medicinal virtues of its seeds, the opinion to undertake this culture, the perception on the evolution of the demand at the market level and the adoption of this crop in urban agriculture vary according to socio-demographic characteristics. The study also shows that logistic regression provides better overall precision, acceptable error rates and moderate Cohen's Kappa coefficients.