Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Ressources Naturelles et les Sciences de l’Environnement (LERNSE), Université Nazi Boni, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
This study reviews the state of knowledge on the availability, feed value and use of agro-industrial by-products in ruminant feed in Burkina Faso by means of a literature review. Searches were mainly carried out online using the Google Scholar engine. A total of 150 documents were inventoried, of which 49 were selected and used for this literature review. Various by-products, notably oilcake, cereal bran, cereal straw and legume tops, are used to feed cattle and sheep for fattening, and dairy cows. Cereal straws are energy-free, rich in NDF and ADF fiber, and low in total nitrogen. Legume tops are richer in total nitrogen and energy than straws. Tuber peelings are low in total nitrogen, richer in fiber and energy than tops. Mango by-products are low in total nitrogen, high in fiber and richer in energy than other by-products. Mango and manioc by-products are available, but are rarely, if ever, used in animal feed. Further work is needed to scale up the use of mango and cassava by-products to increase the availability, low-cost and high-quality feeds for meat and milk production.