Striga represents a significant constraint to food production. Despite its harmful effects, striga is regularly sought in the markets for uses miscellaneous. The general objective of this work is to collect all the information on the use made of this harmful species. Field surveys were carried out in the 6 regions of Niger (Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tillabéry, and Zinder) and the choice of surveyed, was done at random. 340 people were interviewed including 236 men and 104 women. The survey results showed that 76% of surveys use striga and it is involved in 10 categories of uses, namely fodder, soil fertilization, the mystical, the dye, the fuel, the fight against erosion, the insecticide, human food, traditional human and animal medicine. The uses most cited are fodder with 35.10% followed by human medicine (22.12%). This study made it possible to inventory 31 diseases for which striga is used for treatment of diseases in humans.