Département de Biologie et Physiologie végétales, Laboratoire de Biosciences, Unité de Formation et de Recherche en sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, Université de Ouagadougou, 03 BP 7021, Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp, is an important seed legume in tropical and sub-tropical regions, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its wide adaptation and importance, cowpea productivity is generally very low due to numerous biotic and abiotic constraints. In Burkina Faso, climatic hazards accentuate drought, which limits cowpea production. The aim of this study is to determine the water regime and periods of the year suitable for cold dry-season cultivation of cowpea varieties. To this end, two cowpea varieties (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) KN1 and KVX 61.1 were grown in six (06) liter pots in a real environment, during the cold period of the year. Trials were separated by an interval of fifteen (15) days. Each variety was subjected to three watering frequencies. During the study, environmental, growth and agronomic parameters were determined. The study revealed that in cold periods, low temperatures and the application of water regimes reduced most agronomic parameters in both cultivars. Nevertheless, KVX 61.1 produced throughout the study period, while KN1 did not flower when sown from December 09 onwards. The KN1 variety can be sown before December 9 for pod production during the cold off-season, and after that date for its tops, which rich in beneficial elements for livestock are feed. For these two varieties, watering every other day is the best watering regime to ensure good growth and better pod production. These results will serve as an indicator of period and variety for cold dry-season pod and leaf production of these cowpea varieties.
Yam is a tuber cultivated mainly in West Africa. Its culture faces biological and non-biological constraints of climatic types especially. The increasingly high temperatures as well as the bad spatio-temporal distribution accentuate the aridity of the grounds which considerably disturb the development even the production of yam. The objective of this study was to compare the morphophysiological adaptation responses of yam morphotypes subjected to water stress and to determine the portion of the seedling and the water regime suitable for a cultivation of yam in semi-arid zones. even arid. To do this, two morphotypes of yam «waogo» (Dioscorea alata) and «nyù» (D. cayenensis - D. rotundata complex) were grown in pots in real conditions. The tubers of each morphotype were divided into three portions and then subjected to three water regimes. Environmental and morphophysiological parameters were noted during the study.For all the parameters studied, the results show that the «nyù» is more tolerant of water deficit than the «waogo» with a larger root biomass and leaf area and lower transpiration. This study reveals that depending on the portion of the seed used and water regime, «nyù» and «waogo» have differentiated behaviors.
This study was conducted to evaluate the morphological and agronomic performance of ten varieties of sweet potato grown in Bongor in Chad during the dry season. The average length of internodes of the main stem and means the collar diameters were measured and maximum growth rates associates were determined, the length and diameter of tuber were measured, the number of tuber per plant were recorded tuber yield, the diameter/length ratio of the tuber, the average weight of tuber and dry matter aboveground biomass were determined. The results, it appears that varieties BF 59 and BF 40 have the longest and varieties BF 108 and TIB have diameters in the larger collar internodes. The highest growth rates were noted between the 37th and 51st JAP and between the 23rd and 72nd JAP respectively for the length of internodes and the collar diameter. For agronomic parameters, variety BF 108 was more effective for most of the studied parameters. This variety seems interesting for the selection of work.
The objective of this study was to highlight the physiological, morphological and agronomic performance of varieties and descendants of sesame (Sesamum indicum) grown in Burkina Faso.
Experimentation was conducted at the Gampela educational agro station located at 12