At present, little work has been done on the Cyclostratigraphy of the Abidjan margin, so the base level, which is a dynamic surface controlled by factors such as (tectonics, eustatism and climate), represents a very complex environment, which makes it difficult to characterize its rise or fall. This study aims to determine the major lithological ensembles with the evolutionary trends of the logs. The studies carried out concern the analysis of two boreholes located on the Abidjan margin, In this paper, the INPEFA technology of Gamma-Ray logs was used to study the cycle of deposition systems. The negative trend in the INPEFA curve indicates the half-cycle of sea-level decline, the positive trend suggests the rise in sea level of another half-cycle. This allowed us to determine respectively a negative trend, dominated by a positive trend and symmetric cycles (negative trend-positive trend).
In the present work, the cement and/or matrix, pores, and grains present in sandstones were quantified by tele-petrography. The selected sandstones come from the superficial formations of Ivorian onshore basin and the deep formations of offshore basin. A total of six sandstones, three from each part of Ivorian basin, were analyzed. The tele-petrographic analysis consisted of processing the images of these sandstones taken under the natural light from petrographic microscope to the R software using the «terra» package. The results show that the quantification of sandstone components depends on the magnification of the microscope image, the grain size, and the sorting. At low and medium magnifications, a small number of images per rock is sufficient to evaluate the proportions of the components. At high magnifications, however, a large number of images are required as they tend to overestimate the proportions of grains at the expense of other components (porosity, cement, matrix) if the grains have a poorly sorted. The presence of phenocrysts accentuates these variations. However, if the sandstones have a well sorting, the proportions of components hardly vary from one image to another, whatever the magnification. The density curves and histograms reveal that the number of components on these curves depends on the proportions; the higher the proportion of a component the better it is represented. Low proportions remain invisible on the density curves. Remote sensing is therefore promising for the evaluation of the petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks.
Knowledge of the Continental Terminal in the locality of Bingerville was based on 147 cuttings. Theses cuttings were the subject of sedimentological and diagraphic studies in order to establish complete lithostratigraphy in this locality which rests on the Precambrian basement. The results highlight four lithologies: sands, mud, gravelly sands and sandy gravels. The mineralogy of the sediments consists mainly of quartz with the exception of mud. These sediments are made up of variety color. The GR values of sandy and gravelly sediments are usually less than 20 API. They vary between 20 and 40 API for sediments containing kaolin pebbles. The mud are rather clayey siltstones which are of two types: variegated kaolin and grey-dark clayey siltstones. The mean GR values of these argillaceous siltstone are 60 API with sometimes extreme values (100 API
The statistical analysis of 58 years of observation of waves data from the ERA-40 and ERA-Interim programs, covering the period 1958-2015, were used to understand significant storm swells heights and recurrence periods charasteristics in the Gulf of Guinea. Results show that the storm swells recorded in the Gulf of Guinea have significant heights between 2.10 and 3.10 m, while their periods are between 7 and 16 s. As for the main directions of origin, they are South and South-South-West on the West African coasts; South-South-West and South-West on the Cameroon coast in Central Africa. the application of Gumbel's theory reveals that the recurrence periods of storm swells are between 2 and 5 years, 5 and 10 years, 10 and 20 years, 20 and 40 years then between 40 and 60 years. These recurrence periods change from coast to coast. as do the estimated significant heights for different recurrence periods. in the last case, these heights also vary over time. the estimated significant storm swells heights of 100 years are of the order of 2.78 m in Côte d'Ivoire, 3.13 m in Ghana, 3.25 m in Togo, 3.22 m in Benin, 3.08 m in Nigeria and 2.91m in Cameroon.
The observation of the coast on the level of Vridi Ako lets appear several old barriers of beach. Four (4) wells were dug on one of these barriers of beach in order to know its lithology and the grain size of sediments. Moreover, a mineralogical and morphoscopy analysis of sands was made. The lithology is characterized by an alternation of layers of color yellowish gray and olive gray with the appearance of a surface of white color. These layers consist of sands whose average of sizes varies between 0.470 and 1.269 mm. these are essentially of coarse sands, good enough classified at very well classified. The mode (Mo) indicates that the shape of the graph is bimodal. This shows that there are two sources suppliers of sediments (hinterland and continental shelf). There is also the following mineral: the sphene, the rutile, the anastase, tourmaline, and unspecified minerals. The quartz grains are primarily very round to sub-angulous with as a whole a shining blunted aspect.