Laboratoire des Sciences Humaines et Sociales Institut National de la Jeunesse, de l’Education Physique et du Sport Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin), Benin
The objective of this study is the impact of “work and family” conciliation of the women health agent in Porto-Novo city, on their children education. Jean Pierre PAGES theory (1993) is here our analysis model so as to build a field of controversies by taking in account the opinion of each other concerned by this subject. The information received on the literature review plans, about work and women, led us to the formulation of the hypothesis, depending on whether, the women health professionals of Porto-Novo city in Benin get real difficulties in conciliating their profession and their mother role.
In order to verify this hypothesis, we’ve chosen two hundred and fifty subjects who answered to a questioner, which includes the status of the women in health field, the housework, and the difficulties tied to their organization The results obtained are supporting this hypothesis by emerging first from this, the husband’s controversial appreciation regarding to the situation, then about the problems engendered by this situation on the family life and at the end the impact and the women absence on children education.